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RBK 8k vs Tackla 9000 Pant opinions

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Both top of the line (obviously). Price isn't an issue so you can go with either or I'm guessing. I would go Tackla because they've been so good for a long time, but that might just be me. I think the 8k's have been loved by people as well, so its not straight shooting really. The 8k's also have that drop down in the leg, with zippers. 9000's only have Zippers. Both are protective and decently light, as well.

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8K is an amazing pant. It blows the 9000 away. I don't even consider the 9000 Tackla's best pant anyway.

I just saw the 8k (in my blue color) at peranis.. if it wasnt 199.99 i woulda scooped it ASAP.. lol.. im sooooooooooo broke hehehe.. this is def my next pant

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Haven't seen the 8k yet, but I'd imagine its much more ergonomically sound than a tackla pant. Despite the unbelievable protection, its like putting a square peg into a round hole.

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I know u were talking bout the 8k's.For those of you who have the 8k, is that whole shell and girdle part kinda weeeerd comparted to a more traditional pant? Im lookin for some new pants 2.

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Assuming your trying to say "weird compared," even though i've never seen the pant it seems like its more similar to the pro stock 2 piece pants most guys wear in the NHL. So yes it is "weeeerd"

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If you're playing in a leage with heavy hitting, I would stay away from any girdle(8k). I've seen way too many hip injuries from pads shifting.

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Yes, especially when the tail bone pad shifts and gives you a feeling no man should ever feel, ever.

Chadd, speaking of Leary - I skated with the guy last sunday.

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8K is an amazing pant. It blows the 9000 away. I don't even consider the 9000 Tackla's best pant anyway.

Which Tackla pant do you like?

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If you're playing in a leage with heavy hitting, I would stay away from any girdle(8k). I've seen way too many hip injuries from pads shifting.

But the RBKs don't shift.

Come to think of it, in all of my years wearing a girdle, it has never shifted. I know it has to be tight-fitting - I bet you the ones who it has happened to bought them too big.

Eric - yes the 5000x.

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Sorry, I am really confused and I know this might sound stupid to some of you:

Chadd said that the 8K is a girdle;

JR, does the 8K offer a lot of protection? Also, does the shell come off?


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Sorry, I am really confused and I know this might sound stupid to some of you:

Chadd said that the 8K is a girdle;

JR, does the 8K offer a lot of protection? Also, does the shell come off?


The shell is sewn on but the padding is in the form of a girdle.

I bet you the ones who it has happened to bought them too big.

No, they were the correct size. The issues is the material holding the pads that stretches and slides.

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What is the difference between the "girdle form" and "pant form"

Thanks again.


girdles are tight, think compression short with the padding built in. pants have padding that is loose around the leg. it's the same difference between a compression shirt and a loose shirt. the 8k is basically a girdle with a pant shell attached.

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8K is an amazing pant.  It blows the 9000 away.  I don't even consider the 9000 Tackla's best pant anyway.

I just saw the 8k (in my blue color) at peranis.. if it wasnt 199.99 i woulda scooped it ASAP.. lol.. im sooooooooooo broke hehehe.. this is def my next pant

If you shop around you should be able to find them for a lot less than $199.

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girdles are tight, think compression short with the padding built in. pants have padding that is loose around the leg. it's the same difference between a compression shirt and a loose shirt. the 8k is basically a girdle with a pant shell attached.

So why is Chadd saying girdles arent good for heavy hitting leagues? Wouldn't a girdle fit you more ergonomically(sp?), hence better protection?

To be honest with you, I only thought there were one type of hockey pants before this conversation.

What is the benefit of a girdle vs pants? Better mobility? weight?

Thanks a lot,


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girdles are tight, think compression short with the padding built in. pants have padding that is loose around the leg. it's the same difference between a compression shirt and a loose shirt. the 8k is basically a girdle with a pant shell attached.

So why is Chadd saying girdles arent good for heavy hitting leagues? Wouldn't a girdle fit you more ergonomically(sp?), hence better protection?

To be honest with you, I only thought there were one type of hockey pants before this conversation.

What is the benefit of a girdle vs pants? Better mobility? weight?

Thanks a lot,


Because it is skin tight, there has to be gaps in the padding or you couldn't move very well. That means the pads are smaller as well. The impact is dispersed over a smaller area and there are more gaps in the padding. Every girdle I've tried on or used has also moved around with contact making the padding slide out of position. I've also seen a number of guys come in with major bruising from girdle issues. One guy played jr b here last year had his friends and coaches suggest that he use the Bauer girdle. By x-mas he threw it away and went with a high end pant that offered better protection.

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Oh i see. Do you know of any cases about injuries concerning the 8K

The only RBK retailer near me is PIAS and they don't stock the 8k. I need new pants and I'm considering picking up a pair just to see how they are. I would just hate to blow $100 or so on pants if I didn't like them.

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The only RBK retailer near me is PIAS and they don't stock the 8k. I need new pants and I'm considering picking up a pair just to see how they are. I would just hate to blow $100 or so on pants if I didn't like them.

Oh you'll like them Chadd- You'll like them.

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The only RBK retailer near me is PIAS and they don't stock the 8k. I need new pants and I'm considering picking up a pair just to see how they are. I would just hate to blow $100 or so on pants if I didn't like them.

Oh you'll like them Chadd- You'll like them.

I'm drooling over the Tackla 9000s I have in the shop. I'm thinking that's where my money is headed.

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Serious question here: I'm planning on shrinking 2 or 3 inches from my waistline in the next few months. Do I wait to buy a new set of pants?

Depends on your sizing, if you're gonna go buy them, buy them tight, and then make sure they'll still fit after your waist gets smaller. Or, you could always wait.

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