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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Green Z bubble

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I am thinking of buying one. I have read the reviews and comments but was wondering how different it is from a UL. I get the impreesion the are better than the modern ones. How do they feel and are they durable?

Thanks Sid

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i loved my z bubble It lasted 1 yr and a 1/2 and still going. i know there are many complaits but my was invincible kept coming back for more when i thought it ll go good bye.

1 problem mine was a 03 blue one. int

Edit No sign of it breaking soon.

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All sticks break, I've had my first green one that I use regularly for 5yrs, I take a lot of shots and slashes, it's still going. As a matter of fact I've seen more Ultra Lite's break then Z-Bubbles in my lifetime(maybe because there's more UL's around)but just in the past 6 months I've seen 3 UL's break in my ball hockey league alone. I've noticed that they were all the new green UL's though. I would buy the green bubble over the new ones.

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All sticks break, I've had my first green one that I use regularly for 5yrs, I take a lot of shots and slashes, it's still going. As a matter of fact I've seen more Ultra Lite's break then Z-Bubbles in my lifetime(maybe because there's more UL's around)but just in the past 6 months I've seen 3 UL's break in my ball hockey league alone. I've noticed that they were all the new green UL's though. I would buy the green bubble over the new ones.

Does anyone else notice newer (green) UL's breaking more than the old ones?

My buddy just broke his and it surprised me...those things are tanks, I have seen very few break

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Graz. I am actually suprised to hear you say that. I have one that I used a bunch of times with no problems.

Some hammer head actually two handed the shaft with no problems as well. Well my shaft was fine but his Synergy broke on the next shot :)

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I had 2 green Z-Bubbles for years. I eventually grew out of them, but I've passed them onto my little brother. They're running in on 5 years now (3 for me and 2 for my bro).

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i had one of the origanal ones in a 50 flex when i was younger and loved it. it broke after two years when it went threw a door jam the wrong way.

i also know own a green ultr lite and it is a great stick. i prefer it over booth of my current ops.

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...I had a number of the old Z-Bubbles. I liked them alot, but durablity was always an issue (even when I was 12 or so). I've since had a few of the new-fangled Grip Bubbles and found that I liked the old green ones much better. In my opinion, the new Bubbles feel and play completely different from the old ones.

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Durability's always been a pain the ones I'd used, save for maybe the intial batch of them back in '97 or so. Just seen and experienced too many breaking at the focus flex.

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The green ones are okay in my opinion. Mine lasted a season then I sold it and as far as I know the guy still uses it. Then I had an 2004 Grip one which broke on my first slapper and the replacment held up for slightly more than 3 months....

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