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Biggest hockey pet peeve....

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And when some dad brags about how great his son is ALL the time. Like talking about how the other people on his son's line can't keep up with him, and his golden child has to do everything for his line, and also how they talk about how they've kept track of every goal and assist the kid has had since he was a mite.

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1 how about when hte net are left on in one place overnite and they frezze to the ice with huge ridges.

2 ice that has sperated from the boards.

3 agree with the 6/7 yr olds using $100 and above sticks. whatever happened to wood sticks for kids just learning

4 hallow sounding ice. one rink i play on is sand based. though they are replacing the sand with concerete(sp)


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i hate it most of all when the fans of another team dont shut up. and when parents think there the refs and call everysingle penalty to the opposing team/coach.

i remember one time we had a player on my team, thunderhockey19 actually get hit in the head with a stick. and one of the dads thouht it was a penalty on my team. he just wouldnt shut up, so my buddies brother walked over to him in the stands, (and hes only 13) and told the guy to shut the F*@c up before he kicked his ass. and beleive it or not, he didnt say anything else for the rest of the night. all the parents on our team were making fun of him for being scared of a 13 year old.

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good times, man did i ever get smoked by that kid. haha

one of my pet peeves is at drop in when kids who are all on the same team wear the same color jerseys so they can be on the same team in drop in, then try to leave the other kids out with mediocre players, and some who cannot skate. then you just get stomped on the entire time, mean while they raise there sticks every time they score. especially around here the kids that come to my drop in, with me were the state champs 2 years in a row and alot of the time they would all play together, and leave me with these shitty players who cant skate and it wouldnt be any fun at all. :angry:

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(ii) Getting hit after scoring;

I love getting hit after scoring...I don't know why...I guess I can just feel the defenceman's frustration, and it gives me pleasure...

I used to think the same way as you do, but this season I broke my leg this way. I was watching 1 D, and the other one got me.

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Add "players wearing roller hockey pants for ice hockey" to my list of suck.

Or people who wear sweat pants instead of hockey socks.

Yep. That bugs me too. I'm big on appearances :).

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There is nothing worse than someone forgetting to bring the pucks.

Thats happened to our team one to many times. My others would be bad officiating and candy cane socks *1 home 1 away* style.

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Add "players wearing roller hockey pants for ice hockey" to my list of suck.

Or people who wear sweat pants instead of hockey socks.

I have absolutely no problems with those, as long as the kid is good. I know some kids who've worn roller pants because they forgot thier girdle shell. I also know a bunch of kids who like thier sweatpants over thier shin pads. If you guys are talking about for games, then I totally agree, but for stick and puck, who cares?

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Biggest pet peeves:

1. Those Guys that show up at drop-in, that think they are playing to raise the cup at the end.

2. The player/coach guy. The guy that pretends to listin to the coach, then when you get out on the ice, he tells everybody what to do, and its usally something different from what the coach just said.

3. Adults that show up at drop-in, and boss everybody around

4. Puckhogs

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Add "players wearing roller hockey pants for ice hockey" to my list of suck.

The best is when they also don't wear pads and complain when they get hit by a shot or a wayward stick.

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3. Adults that show up at drop-in, and boss everybody around

Kids that show up at drop-in with a red, yellow, green...jersey (is it THAT hard to have white or black? Dark blue? Anything!)

Kids that take 8 minute shifts, and then...

Kids that come off the ice from their shift at drop-in who don't know what position they were playing. "Shift, shift!" "What position?" "I dunno...Left Wing." Then you inevitably find there are 3 Left Wings on the ice...

p.s. LOL! Just picking on the Kids because of the above post...plus I'm an Old Fart! These are pissers though...no matter the age!


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...Kids that take 8 minute shifts,...

Oh yeah I forgot that one.

Even worse are the kids/guys who never get off the ice at all. They just ignore you when you call them to change, and then when you finally ask them why they won't cooperate, they give you some lame response like " Well I paid eight dollars to play and I want to get my moneys worth" :D

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I went to one drop-in that was completely full, twelve guys on the bench.

One guy on our side was about forty-five and looked like he might have once been good, but he weighed about 250-275 pounds. Let's say guys that are packing that much extra don't always skate their hardest. Well, he wasn't an exception. He parked himself at the blueline for ten to fifteen minutes!. The puck would come, he'd tried some moves, then he'd skate to the blue line and waited. We called from the bench and he just waved his hand dismissively.

Afterward, in the locker room, he was talking to some guy and saying he needed to work on something in his game. Well, I had never met the guy before and didn't know his personality, plus he was a big man, but I thought, "Screw it."

I told him, "I think you need to work on your internal alarm clock....."

Nothing happened, but I don't think he liked it. ;)

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I went to one drop-in that was completely full, twelve guys on the bench.

One guy on our side was about forty-five and looked like he might have once been good, but he weighed about 250-275 pounds. Let's say guys that are packing that much extra don't always skate their hardest. Well, he wasn't an exception. He parked himself at the blueline for ten to fifteen minutes!. The puck would come, he'd tried some moves, then he'd skate to the blue line and waited. We called from the bench and he just waved his hand dismissively.

Afterward, in the locker room, he was talking to some guy and saying he needed to work on something in his game. Well, I had never met the guy before and didn't know his personality, plus he was a big man, but I thought, "Screw it."

I told him, "I think you need to work on your internal alarm clock....."

Nothing happened, but I don't think he liked it. ;)

So, that's what happens to prima donnas when they get old(er) :angry:

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3. Adults that show up at drop-in, and boss everybody around

Kids that show up at drop-in with a red, yellow, green...jersey (is it THAT hard to have white or black? Dark blue? Anything!)

Kids that take 8 minute shifts, and then...

Kids that come off the ice from their shift at drop-in who don't know what position they were playing. "Shift, shift!" "What position?" "I dunno...Left Wing." Then you inevitably find there are 3 Left Wings on the ice...

p.s. LOL! Just picking on the Kids because of the above post...plus I'm an Old Fart! These are pissers though...no matter the age!

You'd hate me at drop in... it's aldults like you who enforce too much structure in the games that restricts talent development in the youth.

Positions... at drop in??? Last time I checked, you hung back if three other people were forechecking, and went with the rush if you were the second man up...

Jersey color? If you lived in europe you would be crapping yourself! :lol:

Why do people worry so much about drop in? You're paying money to go... if you don't like it then don't go.

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You'd hate me at drop in... it's aldults like you who enforce too much structure in the games that restricts talent development in the youth.

Positions... at drop in??? Last time I checked, you hung back if three other people were forechecking, and went with the rush if you were the second man up...

Jersey color? If you lived in europe you would be crapping yourself! :lol:

Why do people worry so much about drop in? You're paying money to go... if you don't like it then don't go.

Are you kidding? LOL!

I guess I'd love to see what Drop-In is like where you play. And-1 Hockey?! LOL!

If I'm getting up at 5:30 am for Drop-In, it had better not be to sit on the bench while some little punk pulls 8 minute shifts all the while practicing his Michigan Move, Toe Drag to shot between the legs to missed goal... Free-form stuff, you know...apparantly the kind of stuff that develops NHL skills.


Positions? Yes. How much fun is it to have everyone playing up, cherry-picking back by the Red Line? I KNOW that you can figure out where you SHOULD be playing, but how many actually do this - especially kids? Seriously. If we didn't relay positions, we have every kid on the ice playing Forward...maybe that's what you're looking for at Drop-In...not me, and not most around here. It just brings a little accountability.

Is red dark? How about green? Blue? What shade? "Hey guys...today, Red, Green and Black are Dark. Blue, Yellow and White are Light." Is it so FREAKIN hard to pick up a white or black jersey?! Maybe they don't have enough Bling for today's players, I don't know...

And Champ, my post was all in good fun (still is). Relax. Like you say, it's Drop-In! Just some pet peeves...

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And Champ, my post was all in good fun (still is). Relax. Like you say, it's Drop-In! Just some pet peeves...

The drop in that I play is all pretty talented guys. I guess we all just play and play hard, and not worry about too much else.

My big pet peeve is when people try and start games at open hockey. Check the schedule... this isn't stick time!

And-1 hockey? People tell me I play like that during games. :P

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Hmm my pet peeves..

Showing up to play goal and being the only one there or showing up and theres not enough people to play and it becomes break away drill night.

Teammates that play on the same team

Guys that are so good they won't even shoot the puck instead it becomes..how many moves can i do to fake out the defense and the goalie.

Guys playing like it's the stanley cup in pick up.

Guys that bang away at trash goals in pick up..if you want the goal that bad i will just give you one

Pick up with stacked sides and being on the good team (ie getting no shots)

4 goalies in a pick up

Early call in sign up rules..should be first come first serve

Cali summer = slushy ice

Hash mark slap shots

Head hunters

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