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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your Curve

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Im curious to see what kind of curve or pattern everyone is using on their sticks.

If its a retail pattern just name it, If it is a pro pattern either describe or put up

a picture.

TPS P19 .dsc00254mg.jpg

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Easton-Sakic, Inno-Mogilny, TPS-Nash, RBK-Datsyuk...yeah mid curves, you get the picture...

However I may be breaking my heel curve virginity sometime soon...gotta get out of this shooting funk somehow. :P No other way I know better than blaming the curve.

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I use a Sakic now. Before that was a Recchi.

I prefer the lie of the Recchi, but the more open face of the Sakic is better for my shot.


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For the past 3 years I've used Sakic, but I found a great deal on some Drury sls so I think I'm switching to Drury lol. Does anyone know how hard of a switch that is?

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i like biggish curves like the yzerman or Thornton and coffey but they coffey is hard to find on any decent blades.

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I use Jokinen. I've gone from Recchi -> Sakic -> Modano. And now i think i've found the curve that suits my needs!

Does anyone here use Kovalchuk's pro model? I'm not talking about Bauer's drury clone.

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TPS Sullivan pro or my Christian customs. I don't have the cash to get a custom mold to get them in composite right now so I usually use Modano-ish retail curves on OPS.

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Retail, I go for Drurys and Tuckers. My favorite curve of all time is my pro return Norton X1. It was like a Tucker, only better.

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Currently using Inno McCarthy but when I have my customs I will be using Hull pro or Kovalchuck pro type of curves. Hope to get some pics up soon.

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Generally I prefer Drury type curves, but my favorite is this pro return - sorry this is just about the worst quality pic of a curve on record.


I wouldn't be so sure i wasn't going to post this as its so rubbish

(Just to let you know it was really dark and i used a 3 year old camera phone lol!)

Worst Pic Ever!

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I don't have the cash to get a custom mold to get them in composite right now so I usually use Modano-ish retail curves on OPS.

lol... don't have the cash right now, eh? Just have to wait until payday? ;)

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I used to have a somewhat custom easton blade which I bent with my stove, I used the shannahan and kind of made it a little bit deeper but that broke really quick.. Right now I'm using Supreme 4000 Pronger which I think is a pretty good curve, I also have an Easton Sakic but next I'd like to try out a Drury or a Modano.

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