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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Ever Sticks

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Do you know what's scary about this topic?  In a few years when this topic has about 87 pages (or more likely a similar topic is born), the answers will be Synergy, Vapor XXX, M-1...etc....  So many young ones using these out of the starting gate I'm afraid.  One can only blame the parents I guess.  I am 27, have no children (thanks Trojan!) but parents PLEASE start the kids out on a wooden stick!

Great point. My first stick was a Hespeler superlight that had a straight blade.

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Mine was a white TSM 8. Forgot the brand though. Whippiest stick I ever used.

I think that was a Titan Selanne model. If so, I had a few of those too.

My first stick was handed down from my uncle, a CCM something-Jet (not Golden Jet!) with Bobby Orr's sig stamped on it.

First new stick was a Koho Euro-something with "fibreglass technology". :P

Yep. Now I remember. It was definitely a Titan.

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My first stick was some czech made paddle without curve. My first "real" stick was a black Cooper but I can´t remember the Model. After that I was all Titan form the white Gretzy like (2020?) to the red 4020 over to the black 4020´s to the ASD 6000´s until the I bought an Easton Alu 800 or so (silver with green letters and somewhat sandpaper like feel)...circa 1992.

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1st Generation Junior Easton Ultra Light, the brown one with the kevlar braiding you can see, and a Junior Easton Kariya wood blade..

My all time favorite shaft as a kid.

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Mylec piece then I got a Brett Hull style blue and yellow easton aluminum with a wood gretzky easton pro essentially making me the man at the time

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Wooden Sherbrooke (Not Sherwood) stick with a plastic blade. My first ice hockey stick was an Easton Aluminum V-Flex 70 with an Easton Blade with a Jr. Gretzky curve. I still got the Aluminum but the blade cracked.

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My first sticks were a Northland and a Wilson. I also remember using a Cooper in mites.

My first gloves were dark green Johnson's.

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I had one of those sherbrooke sticks too! those plastic blades were so heavy...

Haha I know right? Did yours come with a puck that weighed like nothing and a hard as hell hockey ball? I still got the puck but I lost the ball = ( It was so good. My new favorite for street hockey balls is this liquid injected Mylec I got from PlayOn.

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The ball i got from the sherbrooke stick was really really soft, i tried to throw it over my roof one day(don't ask) and it never made it over....

As for the zero balls, those are the best i have ever used.....(this sentence sounds wrong for some reason.....)

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One of these, I forget which:

- Canadien Neely (Black w/ white and yellow)

- Sher Wood SOP 7000 from the Admirals, dont remember who

- Sher Wood 7000 (maybe SOP) it was white w/ black, red and green like old NJ colors

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Mine was a Victoriaville of some sort, brown with black lettering, Well its brown now i think because its old? Not sure, others was a Titan, white with red lettering. Probably when i was 3-4.

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