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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Ever Sticks

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my first actual hockey stick was one of them walmart franklins w/ the plastic blade that i used in the street, but my first real ice hockey stick was one of them oldschool black christians. and i think i remember it saying "say no to drugs" on it. hahaha

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perfect timing for this topic to come up again.

now, i can't remember what stick i first used...but, i was out at my old mans game last tuesday. he and one of his buddies and i were joking about equipment, since his buddy just got his 6th pair of skates in his career, and he's been skating for 40+ years... and he remembers every pair he's owned!

they were lauging about their sticks they used to buy when they were kids. my dad says, i used to buy the Northland Pro's... they cost me $2.50, and that was cuz i couldn't afford the Custom model for $3.25.

they got their skates sharpened and bought equiment at the local Hardware Stores!

talk about the "good ole days"

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I believe mine was a sher-wood, I was 7 and I think it was black with white letters. For a few years after that i was into the easton aluminums alot.

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man..if you're first stick was a Turbo, they were $50 in a time of $14 woodies...and tanks to boot..I never could understand how Bossy, Kerr etc could flex those ...

I'm pretty sure I started with a Vic...maybe a Northland..but I'm pretty sure it was a Vic...

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It was an all plastic wayne gretzgy stick that i lost in a blizzard and by the time the snow went away i as too big for it :D First real wood stick was a cheap Nike one that looked like Marios black with yellow designs. Then a blue sherwood with white letters.

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it was one of those crappy sticks with the holes in the blades.

The same for me! such good times! When i broke it slashing it on the ground i feeled so bad because i didnt have another one for backup! :lol:

I hate when kids blame their brand new OPS just to look though!

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My first real stick was a red Franklin 2 piece with plastic blade from wally world. The thing was a tank I put a wood blade in it and used it for street hockey, You couldnt break it if you wanted to, trust me I tried :D

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he and one of his buddies and i were joking about equipment, since his buddy just got his 6th pair of skates in his career, and he's been skating for 40+ years... and he remembers every pair he's owned!

Did you tell him that some of these young pups nowdays have mom and dad buy them 6 pairs of skates in ONE year? :lol: He probably would have keeled over.

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Well I can't remember my first stick but my first shaft was a orange nike shaft right when they first got into the business. Then I got really excited when I got my top of the line easton grip shaft with the green ultralite blade.

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Well I can't remember my first stick but my first shaft was a orange nike shaft right when they first got into the business. Then I got really excited when I got my top of the line easton grip shaft with the green ultralite blade.

Same here! Only my nike was the red and black one. Holy crap I can remember my parents freaking out about spending 60 DOLLARS! for my grip lite. haha

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