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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The lightest skate on the market?

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Hey, im looking to know what the lightest skate on the market was. I have tried searching but i havent been able to find the lightest one so can you please post thanks.

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look at product reviews. and in all honesty, it doesn't really make a difference. what you are looking for in a skate like fit, durability, comfort, etc should be more important.

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look at product reviews. and in all honesty, it doesn't really make a difference. what you are looking for in a skate like fit, durability, comfort, etc should be more important.

every time this comes up I always think of spinal tap "but, this one goes to 11." It's the same mentality with a lot of kids. Whatever product is lightest will automatically make them better. :rolleyes:

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Lightest is definately not the best, I didnt even want the synergys untill when I tried them on they fit my foot so much better then the xx I had before them.Anyways,it took at least a month to get used the weight of the synergys,and to answer crosby 20's question the synergy is marketed as the lighest skate.

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Lightest is definately not the best, I didnt even want the synergys untill when I tried them on they fit my foot so much better then the xx I had before them.Anyways,it took at least a month to get used the weight of the synergys,and to answer crosby 20's question the synergy is marketed as the lighest skate.

as long as you play without a footbed it may be the lightest but the stock footbed brings the weight back up a little.

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every time this comes up I always think of spinal tap "but, this one goes to 11."

"You see, it's one louder, isn't it?"

If you are looking at getting yourself into a top-level skate, the difference in weight will be nearly negligable. Yes, you will be able to feel the difference in weight, but it shouldn't have an effect on your game.

Go with what fits your foot best.

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Yes make sure you try on many modles of skates and get the one that fits your feet best. Im buying new skates soon and last week I tried on many different skates and found out that Vapor XXX's fit my feet better than my Grafs I have now. To me its just a bonus that my foot fit one of the lightest skates on the market.

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really at this point I couldn't tell the difference in weight between Synergys, Vapors, Flexlites, whatever, all of the high end skates are plenty light for anyone. It's really all about the fit and your skating style and preferences(stiffness, etc.)

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these number are really interresting...i always thought the v130 was a tad heavy..now i know why!...by the way,it maybe mental...but i do feel a little difference with the synergy grip compared to the synergy

Is there any other site like this??

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I know that if the skate feels good and all but over the years ive found that pretty much every skate fits my foot the same except bauer vapors for some reason so im looking for the lightest skate thats the only reason

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fit and overall feal should come before lightness of a skate ,i learned that the hard way with 735's

Very true. In addition, some like a skate that offers protection. Take the 8K, it will appeal to some because of that feature.

I think if we did a blind test, one really couldn't tell the difference in weight, especially when we are talking perhaps an ounce between models. Now if we were comparing to an older model, 3/4 lb per skate is noticable.

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The legs are the strongest part of your body! Go with fit because weight at the high end skate market won't make a big difference if you can skate at the elite level. Buying skates is truly all about fit.

BTW, we sell high end figure boots with separate blades to Olympic skaters. We sent 9 skaters from our rink to the Olympics in 2002. Figure skate boots with blades weigh about 6 lbs.!! They have steel in the soles so the skaters do not break their feet when they land the triple jumps. Ever notice how fast they skate and it is usually backwards?? Also, watch their stride- its all a power stride with feet/legs locked on the ice. Don't worry about weight. Its all in the fit and the skater.

Remember boys as Herb Brooks said "The legs feed the wolf!!"

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So, according to that link provided, the XX skate lis ighter than XXX (obviously not by much) ? I thought XXXs was marketed as lighter than XXs.

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Another thing to factor in is shinguard/pant weight if you really want to go balls out on the situation.

I cut the elastic straps off my elbow pads and only use tape now to save weight... :ph34r:

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this '' i whant the lightest stuff'' is getting really sick...i got my self in the trap(xn10 and flexlite...) but it always fun to compare who the lightest...well for me at least!!

JR---do you have any other sheet for other compagnie??

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