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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The lightest skate on the market?

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I don't think lighter is always better as wll but just brought up the fact of that site was showing the XX lighter than the XXX which couldn't be right.

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we weighed all the high end skates at my shop and the two lightest are the 1300c and the CCM Vector 130ZG

Also i agree that fit should come way ahead of weight for any skater, beginner or otherwise, if your skates fit right, then you won't notice the weight differences

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any one still have those number from the website?webpage is down.

I would like to compare my 852(2004) With LS2 on them to the vector line and pro tacks. Mine were 873gr for a 8d.

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=) How about the weight of Kors for a size 8 skate? (As we already have the weight of the XXX posted, the other skate I was looking at). Thanks a bunch.

I don't have any 8's in stock but the last time I measured the difference between the Kor and the XXX, the difference was about 1 oz on my cheese scale, with the XXX being lighter. Now If I shaved the Kor steel down to match the size of the smaller Bauer runner, the weight difference prob would be very close.

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That's cool. They feel marginally heavier than my larger Vector Pro's, but they fit infinitly better, so it's all good. They're both 9.5 btw, and the Vectors are about 1/2 - 1 size larger (actual size).

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That's cool. They feel marginally heavier than my larger Vector Pro's, but they fit infinitly better, so it's all good. They're both 9.5 btw, and the Vectors are about 1/2 - 1 size larger (actual size).

They do fit well. Funny thing happened last week, a guy buys a pair of Kor's and doesn't mold them, said they were the best fitting skate he ever had. I tried talking him into molding, but he said he maybe do it later.

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Actually, mine fit just nearly as well as they did before I had them heated and molded afterwards. They were the perfect width and all. Just some pressure around the ankle that needed to be worked out. Still some afterwards, but I don't notice it at all while skating. The only thing I didn't get was the tool to adjust the pitch setting on the holders. No biggie, as neutral took no time to adjust to coming from E-Blades. The only thing that threw me off was the larger radius. Next time I go to Pure Hockey, I may get a 9.5-10ft radius cut on them, but for now I'm fine. I may just stick with what I have now, as I really didn't have any problems with turning, and I may get a little speed boost (well, or at least compensation for dropping from a 287mm holder/steel to a 280mm set).

And fwiw, Pure Hockey was awsome. The guy was cool to talk with, and oh my lord, the stick selection was great. Apparently they had about .25 million dollars in sticks at that one location. I also got to try on Vapor XXX gloves, and One90 gloves. My vote goes to the One90 in a 13" size. Fits like a lacrosse glove, I loved it. I usually wear a 14" glove, but everything fit wrong in the 14" version. Also, I figure that my next stick will be a Mac Daddy or Dolomite in a Federov (I think that's the one) curve. I was able to match the lie perfectly with an Easton Sakic (what I currently use), and it had a nice heal curve. Exactly what I want in a stick. And balance-wise it was sweet.

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=) How about the weight of Kors for a size 8 skate? (As we already have the weight of the XXX posted, the other skate I was looking at). Thanks a bunch.

I don't have any 8's in stock but the last time I measured the difference between the Kor and the XXX, the difference was about 1 oz on my cheese scale, with the XXX being lighter. Now If I shaved the Kor steel down to match the size of the smaller Bauer runner, the weight difference prob would be very close.

And, when you consider that the Kor is WAY more comfortable than the XXX, and you won't get bone bruised if you take a slapper to the toe/ankle, and all the other advantages I've experienced with the Kors, the Kor is a WAY better skate, eh? One stupid ounce is not going to outweigh those advantages.

And since a lot of guys I know who are taking their demo One90's in and going back to their XXX, does that mean

Kor > XXX > One90 ??

Meaning the Kor is the best skate on the market?

lol it's all personal preference. But thanks for the info jimmy. made me feel even better about my kors.

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Speaking of taking a shot off the skate...

Last tuesday I think it was, I took a shot off the laces of my Kors, wow, that hurt, but that's to be expected right there... Later the same bloody shift I trip on my d's stick somehow and go flying into the boards. Hurt my knees pretty well too.

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Speaking of taking a shot off the skate...

Last tuesday I think it was, I took a shot off the laces of my Kors, wow, that hurt, but that's to be expected right there... Later the same bloody shift I trip on my d's stick somehow and go flying into the boards. Hurt my knees pretty well too.

That's about the only place that you're going to feel it. I got in a bad habit of actually trying to block shots with my foot while I was wearing Kors.

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When your foot feels like its in a vice your feet will feel like they are 400 pounds anyway.

It depends. Paul Coffey wore skate sized like 3 or 4 times smaller than his feet.

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When your foot feels like its in a vice your feet will feel like they are 400 pounds anyway.

It depends. Paul Coffey wore skate sized like 3 or 4 times smaller than his feet.

Maybe in length. He probably had a wide, deep fit, though.

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Project, off topic but if your trying to match a Sakic lie your looking for a Draper....Fedorov is much lower.

Thanks, that could be it. After talking with another member on here, the Federov is a Modano clone, and I don't like that curve much at all. Though, I didn't look at the name plate too well at all when I went.

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When your foot feels like its in a vice your feet will feel like they are 400 pounds anyway.

It depends. Paul Coffey wore skate sized like 3 or 4 times smaller than his feet.

thats just the way his foot is

someone i work with wears a size 10 shoe and wears a 5-5.5 jr skate. He even put his foot on the bauer foot measure tool and it came up as 5.5

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Maybe his shoe size is wrong\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(Thanks, Darcy, inside joke). Nobody buys shoes to fit but I will only sell skates to fit. That is always a surprise for the customer to hear.

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As far as light skates goes,( before all this hulabaloo started with which company make the lightest skates ) Easton had the lightest skates on the market because of their composite make up. I believe presently they still hold that distinction with the Synergy 1300's and 1500's. I haven't found very much on the market that is lighter than these two models. Along with that comes some pretty heavy duty protection in the form of a solid carbon/ composite boot. The Vector ZG 130 and the Vapor XX and XXX's are the closest in weight, but the Vapors are no way near as protective or durable.

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