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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Nike Gloves

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Those are Quest1s. Sorry.

Those are not Quest 1's. I knew Nike was getting back into gloves. This must be them. They look like a cross between the old Ignites and current Vapors

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Also look at the 2nd pick, the guy from Sweden (#12) is playing with that Synergy we have seen pick of and no one really knew if it really existed, the stick is blue and yellow.

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I know at Crappy Tire they have a glove called the Nike Pro, it looks exactly like my Vapor X, same price and everything but instead of the X its got the Swoosh, and instead of VAPOR on the cuff, it says PRO. Same everything, Pigskin palm and the 3 piece index.

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It wouldn't make sense to only give some kids nikes while all the others wore vapors. R&D anyone?

The players obviously get a choice between a few models of gloves. Not everyone is going to choose the same thing.

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looks pretty nice

for those of you working in LHS's, how are the bauer gloves selling? if they're not doing as well anymore, nike maybe trying to boost their sales.

vapors aren't selling as well as they were when they first came out. If the nike is a vapor glove as light as an XXX and have the palm of the XX then i'll be all for it.

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