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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your favorite shirt

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I saw a shirt that said "Be kind to animals ... kiss a hockey player". That would've been my favorite shirt had I had the money to buy it at the time. I've been searching for it ever since to no avail.

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Probaly my Lacoste shirts, but I got a few AE Polo's to. And my AE shirt that says "I Swear It's This Big" on it.

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Also have an old Def Leppard Hysteria concert shirt that I'd wear today if it was socially acceptable.

I have an entire box of black band shirts from the 90's that I have hidden in a closet.

I think I have somewhere around 2-3 dozen band shirts too. Also locked away in a plastic box at my mom's house because I couldn't bear to get rid of them. They'll probably have to stay there too because I'm sure if I get married, the wife would pitch them in a heartbeat.

One of these days I'll break one out and wear it for humor....do I go with Poison or something obscure like Racer X?

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Black Lacoste polo.

i just picked up one of them tonight :)

I like my Bauer "27" shirt and I find myself wearing any Billabong or Quicksilver tee shirt a lot.

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this T i got from Urban Outfitters that says "I like girls....that like girls", or anything out of my mega lacoste collection.

Urban outfitters has some good random T's...

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Also have an old Def Leppard Hysteria concert shirt that I'd wear today if it was socially acceptable.

I have an entire box of black band shirts from the 90's that I have hidden in a closet.

what bands? what size? if you dont want them maybe i will lol. my favorite shirt is probably my billy idol and motley crue concert shirts and my misfits hoody.

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Also have an old Def Leppard Hysteria concert shirt that I'd wear today if it was socially acceptable.

I have an entire box of black band shirts from the 90's that I have hidden in a closet.

what bands? what size? if you dont want them maybe i will lol. my favorite shirt is probably my billy idol and motley crue concert shirts and my misfits hoody.

I'll have to look but the following is a partial (and somewhat embarrassing) list:

Skid Row

Motley Crue

Dream Theater

Harpo (friend's band)



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And of course some music shirts like refused, the intl. noise conspiracy, darkest hour, heartbreak motel and so on

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i like all those bands ,why is that embarrassing? :P

It's not nearly as embarrassing as saying I hung out with the guys from Warrant on their bus playing video games and drinking Corona or having to pick up the guys from Trixter for an interview. Good thing it was the guy on the air before me that had to interview them, I couldn't keep a straight face.

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Also have an old Def Leppard Hysteria concert shirt that I'd wear today if it was socially acceptable.

I have an entire box of black band shirts from the 90's that I have hidden in a closet.

what bands? what size? if you dont want them maybe i will lol. my favorite shirt is probably my billy idol and motley crue concert shirts and my misfits hoody.

I'll have to look but the following is a partial (and somewhat embarrassing) list:

Skid Row

Motley Crue

Dream Theater

Harpo (friend's band)



Dude, if you had a Poison shirt in that list I'd be making an offer. :)

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My favourite shirt is one I got at Steve and Barry's.

Black and on the front it has a white figure of a mom pushing a carriage, and below it in the got milk? lettering it has got milf?

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chadd warrant is awesome. sometimes i find myself singing "down boys" in the shower or while im driving

for some reason i sing alot of danzig era misfits in the shower :blink:

do you know what sizes the shirts are chadd?

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A navy AE shirt that has a olive green "Eagle" sewn on and the number 28 under it. Don't know why I like it so much, but its my favorite shirt.

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Good bust and a little drawing of a chicks rack

Bad bust, a cop pointing a gun at a dude with his hands up

It still makes me chuckle :lol:

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My favourite shirt is one I got at Steve and Barry's.

Black and on the front it has a white figure of a mom pushing a carriage, and below it in the got milk? lettering it has got milf?

That store is sweet..lol..I was in Virginia Beach for 2 weeks and it had just opened. Everything int he store was 5$, and its like the size of walmart..I got a couple hoodies,longsleeves etc. it was sick the cost was like 30$ for all my stuff tht woulda cost at least 100$ anywhere else.

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