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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's your best skill?

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I'm all about speed. I have pretty good hands a quick release but I am alot smaller than everyone so I can't protect the puck too well, but I've gotten better.

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speed and deception. I can skate fast, accelerate well, have quick feet. Just when the D-man thinks he has me covered, I can take off and go.

That and just absolutely pissing off every d-man and goalie on the other team by talking and being a pain in the butt in front of the net. Draw tons of penalties off that.

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i really dont know what my best skiill is. im not really great at anything. i guess teh thing im best at is just trying because i know im not the best so i try extra hard to be better.

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i think another on of my strenghts is pinching in from the point and not getting caught piching (for the most part). one of my coachs almost had a stroke every time id jump up in the play but i almost never got caught, if only the forward would take a look to the point i would of scored alot more goals.

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only way i can explain myself in this post is... "THEY CALL ME THE GREAT ONE"

:D :P

naw...jj...actually thats like a discrace.....i gots me some sizin....i throw around my wait when im battlin in the boards..heavy..yet fast for my age.

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My speed skating backwards, i probably outskate 3/4 of my team skating backwrads while they skate forward, but on the other hand i'am probably one of the slower skaters while skating forward on my team.and go figure i'm not a defenseman.

I'm extremly accurate with all my shots and can get excelent speed of all of them. the only thing is i don't shot unuf, i usally just pass it to a teammate or try do deke even if i have a good scoring opporuntiny,

I'm espailly good on breakaways/penalty shots and score on about 95% of them, but i dont get that many cause i'm not that fast

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