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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nhl 06

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Word, I used to go for the hits when on D because in 05 it was the easiest thing to do. You could lay out anyone who got within reach of your net. In 06 I did the same in the beginning, but it ended up badly. Before I got within reach for a hit, the guy made a pass past me and the guy in the slot would just bang it in.

Now I am much better on D in 06 mostly using the poke check button and trying to stay in position.

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In the P.C. Version i'm killing the season so far, medium level gameplay, 12 - 2 - 0.. Though i dont know how to pull off the Bat In and Michigen on P.C.

I can only do the 4 standard skill stick moves atm using T - F - H and B..

Any help would be apreciated.. :mellow:

P.s. I read in one of the posts something about an Retro NHL 94 added feature.. Where the heck is it ?

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Yea, Im getting better at 06. I just needed a little while to get the hang of the new game. I pulled of the bat in move from behind the net with hejduk last night. It was tite. No michigan in the game yet but still workin on it. Anyways will i have to have the internet hooked up to update the roster and get crosby?

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i was just on the Flyers website and they explain the rules using nhl 06. but if u look at the last one (www.philadelphiaflyers.com) for the two line pass and u watch it, primeau does a behind the legs deke, not even the shot and puts it back on his stick. i cant even describe it really but i just wanted to know if it was possible. i have no idea where to start if it is possible in the game.



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Yea, Im getting better at 06. I just needed a little while to get the hang of the new game. I pulled of the bat in move from behind the net with hejduk last night. It was tite. No michigan in the game yet but still workin on it. Anyways will i have to have the internet hooked up to update the roster and get crosby?

Yea, you need to have xbox live, or ps2 online or you can get it from ea for the pc update.

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i was just on the Flyers website and they explain the rules using nhl 06. but if u look at the last one (www.philadelphiaflyers.com) for the two line pass and u watch it, primeau does a behind the legs deke, not even the shot and puts it back on his stick. i cant even describe it really but i just wanted to know if it was possible. i have no idea where to start if it is possible in the game.



Yeah i saw that. Its like the move where you put the puck inbetween your legs and your stick and you flick it in but he doesn't shoot, he just pulls it back. If that makes any sense.

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I just got NHL 2006 for PS2 and it is amazing. I did a bat in move from behind the net with myself (oh yeah) but just can't get a Michigan. Oh well. Practice makes perfect

EDIT- I learned the Michigan, and it is wicked. I can do it probably 1/3 of the time now. Also, I've noticed that the one Bure move where he does the sorta fake drop pass of his skate move works so well. It works 95% of the time for me.

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you can do the michigan move in NHL 2006???? :huh: i havent played any of the newer ones but thats just insane!!! its worth buying for that.

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Is it possible to do the Hisey Michigan thing?  Thanks

whats the Hiesy Michigan? ive never heard of it.

Its the same as a Michigan but you have your stick inbetween your legs when you get the puck up on your stick. I know that there is a video of it on here.

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The Legg "Michigan Move" is

L1 + Left joystick-UP + Right Joystick-Right

How can i do this on PC ?

DO you have a skill stick on the computer. If so, you can do it like on the Xbox.

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I cant patch my game. I get the error that says something old file not found, though a file of the same name was. Am I supposed to download it into a certain folder or what?

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