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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey News Perversion!

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Has anyone who has this week's Hockey News seen the add for the new Warrior stick? It's got a kid in a window looking at the new sticks....if you look at him closely...he's got an erection!!! What the hell? This is a family magazine and they show some kid sportin' wood over hockey sticks. Wierd.

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I used to be a subscriber, pre-lock out, and I was getting issues delayed alllll the time. Became quite annoying. And it took months before I received my signing bonus...an NYR keychain. I had to call those hosers up in TO or wherever their offices are and complain a few times. One guy actually told me, "Do you really trust your mailman? Perhaps he is lifting the magazines before you get them?" I was like, "Ummm, my mailman is like 63, barely speaks English, and doesn't know anything about hockey. Where are my magazines!?" I got to speak to a manager, and he cleared everything up....lol I got like 3 weeks of back issues, plus the current issue at one time. Of course, the back issues were old news by the time I got them.

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What the f?  :rolleyes:

I know this ad was put together by an advertising agency but the bottom line is that someone at Warrior had to approve it. So, now I really am not impressed with this organization as they get started in the industry.

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When I first saw the ad in The Hockey News, I thought that looked kind of weird. My initial thought was that the kid was leaning against the glass on angle, hence his private region is pushing against the class. However, now that I look at it, your right, the kid is popping a boner. I must say the concept is quite creative and kind of hilarious, though at the same time it is quite disturbing. LOL.

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Is the full slogan "Do you remember when you got your first glimpse" ?

It's cut off in the scan...from the same agency that did the my NHL ads maybe...


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Is the full slogan "Do you remember when you got your first glimpse" ?

It's cut off in the scan...from the same agency that did the my NHL ads maybe...


Looks like it also says "It's a powerful feeling"

It'll be interesting. They're cocky for sure (LOL no pun intended) as they are using the "We made Easton what it is" angle.

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Warrior needs to build awareness because it is a new player in the market. "Any publicity is good publicity"; this is the ad in The Hockey News generating the most interest (and not just on this forum).

OT, what happened with the lawsuit by Easton against Warrior for Warrior's allegedly stealing Easton technological secrets when they hired those ex-Easton people?

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