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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Car Insurance

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Well after having gone to the insurance company, I've learned that being a 17 year old boy looking for his first car so he doesnt have to keep using his parents, absolutely sucks. It costs me so much more damn money than if I was a girl. This is totally unfair. I question them about it, they give some BS about statistics with boys. WTF, how can they punish me like that for something I haven't done yet? Its a disgrace. Honestly, raise my rate high if I do get in an accident or something, but just because some random statistic says something doesn't mean its going to happen. I was planning on buying my dad's friend 1993 Cadillac 4-Door Deville (in new condition, 100 000KM) for under $5000, then I found out the insurance is like $5300 a year for me, under my own name. I don't want to put it under my parents because IF (knock on wood) something were to happen, I don't want to raise their rates on them. Yeah, so that was my ranting/venting about how now I can't get the car I had my heart set-on because I can't afford the insurance. I need something under $4000 a year, then I could afford it.

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It definately does suck. I'm around the $4.5K range a year. I'm 20, full G lisence since I was 18. 1 speeding ticket, 0 fault accident. Insurance is the one reason I do not have a car. It does suck, it is completely unfair, but it's how it is. I'd put the car in my 'rents name, but you can run into some fraud problems with that.

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I'm hear ya, dude. The whole situation sucks. The statistics are pissing me off more than anything else right now. The whole "you're a guy, so you drive bad" mentality is terrible. This and the gas situation are just BS.

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  seanmccann said:
And I thought the $1900 here was bad.
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sean, you got it good. Apparently, I'm going to have to pay 5Gs as well. The part that sucks about it, as is the case for many others, like twist, the car I want isn't even worth 5G <_<

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I thought $1500 cdn was high... I have a 88 Civic with 107000 km and is rusting out. When we tried to trade it in a few years ago the Honda Dealer was only going to give us $1600 on a trade so I am almost paying for insurance what the value of the car is. $5000 is terrible for insurance.. what province are you guys in?

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I just got a quote for my new car. 6700 a year, with a 750 deductable. That's with my ASET association discount too :o AWD + turbo + standard + expensive car considered a sports car + high accident/theft rates + 18 year old kid = hell on the wallet.

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  Z-Unit14 said:
I thought $1500 cdn was high... I have a 88 Civic with 107000 km and is rusting out. When we tried to trade it in a few years ago the Honda Dealer was only going to give us $1600 on a trade so I am almost paying for insurance what the value of the car is. $5000 is terrible for insurance.. what province are you guys in?
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Ontario. I'm surprised the Civic is so low. I've heard its one of the most expensive cars to insure now that its become so popular anbd so many people rice it up.

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  Hockeyman9621 said:
What are the prices like for women?
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I am pretty sure my g/fs insurance, in her own name (both car and insurance) is $2400 a year. On the same car mine is around $3800, and she's been in one major accident. Not sure if she was deemed "at fault," but I think she was.

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Yeah, I'm in Ontario. I talked to my parents and there is no way I can get the caddy. BUT I did find a crazy nice 1992 Lincoln Towncar over by my buddies house, and checked the insurance for me...around $5000, but it right around $4000 in my parents name, so thye said the might consider it, because this car is so nice i may have it for a long time.

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I pay under $1400 for all my cars. My insurance got cut in half when I turned 25.

And if insurance companies made it cheap for all kids until their first accident, then they'd lose a lot of money. They have to base their rates on statistics.

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Im 19 and I pay for $160 a month for basic coverage on my 03 Eclipse :angry: I do have 1 speeding ticket, but it still sucks. Try Progressive.com, I was getting higher rates from other places like AAA, State Farm etc. but Progressive was the cheapest out of all of them.

I looked up some quotes on progressive for the next car I'm trying to get, a 3000GT VR4, and they want like $220 a month for basic coverage! Looks like I'll be putting it under my parents name.

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www.insurancehotline.com is what I mainly use. I believe they are hooked to the top 40 insurance brokers in Canada and calculate the lowest.

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Oh, and location plays a big part too. I live in Detroit but my parents just bought a house away from the city. I changed my insurance to the new address and that made a big difference, having that Detroit address really screwed me on my rates.

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Wow, and I was bummed when my wife and I each got our first tickets in ten years and our rates went from $900 annually for both cars to $2400.....

Here's another tidbit for you. Insurance companies charge higher rates for people who have lower credit scores. They claim their statistics show people with lower credit worthiness tend to be lesser drivers. They get away with it, so that's another reason to pay your bills.

Last, I learned this from experience about five years ago, but DO NOT USE YOUR HOUSE INSURANCE UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST! They screwed us even worse: $700 to $2550. I tried to switch but they sure seemed to have a gentlemen's agreement among the companies that went like this, "Hey, if none of us accepts any house that has a claim on its record, then they can't switch carriers, so we'll be able to jack up the rates and there's nothing they can do about it!"

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  Fedorov91 said:
Oh, and location plays a big part too. I live in Detroit but my parents just bought a house away from the city. I changed my insurance to the new address and that made a big difference, having that Detroit address really screwed me on my rates.
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Yeah, I was quoted double for my SUV in MI. Needless to say, I'm still driving with Florida insurance and plates.

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