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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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most durable equipment you've ever had?

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Its not a r2 blade chadd it was a old i mean OLD gx2 they where like the 1st competitor to eastons graphite if i remember corectly like 7 to 9 years ago (not sure)

For me a composite blade that lasts longer than 10 games is good. I got 35 or more out of this blade.

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Then i should try it.I was going to try the blue ccm composite one but i have yet to buy it.

It's not the same as the current retail models, I believe he said it was one of the lst RTM R2s, not the current pre-preg construction.

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Cant say enough about this blade, Koho Crossover 21. Abs blade with wood core. Absoulute tank. Takes an absoulute beating slashing wise and used many times as street hockey stick and at a very agrresive stick hockey tournament and its barely worn out. Over 2 years and going strong. Only disadvantage to it is lack of variety of curves and quite heavy but otherwise no complaints.

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Easton A/C 6000 and 7000 shafts. Those are tanks, used them all through junior and college. Never broke one. I actually still have all of them and they're all still functional.

The old 5 roll Vic 950 gloves. Best pair I've ever owned, great protection, feel and durability. I definitely took some good SJ two handers wearing them too. Used them all the way up until college. I wish they still made them.

Old Jofa elbow pads, I think they're the 1444? Real plain white and blue graphics. Who knows they are circa 1995, but I am still wearing them now.

Cooper Techniflex 1000 shoulders, the red, white and blue ones. Would still be wearing them if men's league was checking.

Graf 705's from 1999. Lasted me a season of junior, 4 years of college and a couple of training camps. I'd still be wearing them now if I hadn't gotten a pair of custom G5's.

And last but not least - Titan ASD blades. Those things were tanks, a little dated now, but incredible back then. Real thin, stayed stiff, didn't absorb water or chip. Great blades, Fleury curve was the greatest until I learned to use a heel curve.

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some 5090 shin pads that are closing in on 10 years...

elbow's 5066's I just replaced with V10's.

team canada bauer 3000 pants - about 10 years old just swapped out for something G14

current bauer 7000's are 4+ years old and 2 sets of steel...

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Wasn´t that the black and silver one?

Graphics like the one Lidstrom is using in this picture but silver instead of the gold?


The one he is using is the one I mentioned lasting me 3 years.

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That sounds like the AC Convex, which I don't recall having a #. I remember an A/C or A/G later on that was an Ultra Lite shaft with a gold tip.

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Damn, yes. That´s what it was. The 6000 was the brown Ultra-Lite lookalike with the gold tip. That was already A/G though. And then there were I think two variants of a blue and black A/C. One was really thick and heavy....really bulky, too. Anyone remember those? The other was the convex like Mack said. Memory is coming back.... :rolleyes:

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I had a Synergy Grip for a year and a half, elbows for about 5 years, one of my friends has Flak shouldies from like 1990 and hes 15...had them for 6 years, they're beauties

my synergy grip is still goin and its coming up on 2 years

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I have two original silver synergys that I've had about 3 years. They don't get used as much now, but they're still chuggin with some minimal blade chipping, I also play roller though.

I had some mid-level ccm elbows that I ripped the bicep protection off that made it from pee wee ice to playing junior roller.

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So far would have to be my Easton Ultra Lite skates. Got them the first year they came out in 99 and still going strong (through regular winter season and summer rec league). They were only cheapies which I thought wouldn't last long, but have outlasted any of my CCM's including my 952's and for less than half the price. They were my first shot at heat moulding and fitted like a glove first time, with not a single blister. I've broken 2 blades while I've had them and they're starting to go a bit soft now, but the only two stores in town aren't stocking Eastons anymore.

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My Franklin Aluminum shaft that I have had since '96, I forget the model, sice most of the graphics have worn off. I used it for roller hockey for about 2 years, then I retired it to my backup. Now I just use it for street hockey, it's still going strong, I have never even rotated it. I tell the guys that I play street hockey with if they can mange to slash it and break it, I will give whoever breaks it 5 bucks. No one has yet. :D

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Bauer Vapor 2 shaft with koho crossover 21 blade last me like 3 years. it was my 1st comostie stick got it like back in peewee i think. also my R+ has last me since july. i consider that very good since all my OPS till this one have broken in like a month and a bit.

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