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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have a couple on order for the shop, the pics don't do them justice. They are really pink.


In my Mens Gold league, there's a team called the pink ponies. They have these REALLY pink dazzle-cloth jerseys. I don't really think it's 'gay', but rather a bunch of guys who are REALLY looking to have fun and screw around. They're all straight as an arrow, and we all drink the same miller lite from the same pitcher after the game.

Then again, I do have about 5 pink shirts in my closet! :D

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Just know this....

If you're gonna use one of these sticks...you should have some mad skillz! Everyone is going to be coming for you to break the pink glare that's hurting their eyes! (and masculinity) :lol:

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We only did Elias and Ribeiro curves for this OPS. The next Statement OPS will come out in Rafalski and Hull (New Name). No plans for a Statement Shaft.

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I was actually going to get one of these as a joke, but I couldn't find it in a Rafalski pattern, but now I know why.

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plain and simple...if you can back up the noise you'll be getting wearing pink stuff/using a pink stick, oh well. Played on a team with pink jerseys, didn't lose a game for two seasons. I'm sure guys had tough times after the game trying to explain to their girlfriends how they lost to the dudes in the "gay" jerseys.

just like dudes with reflective visors, white gloves, whatever. if you can back it up, why not?

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plain and simple...if you can back up the noise you'll be getting wearing pink stuff/using a pink stick, oh well. Played on a team with pink jerseys, didn't lose a game for two seasons. I'm sure guys had tough times after the game trying to explain to their girlfriends how they lost to the dudes in the "gay" jerseys.

just like dudes with reflective visors, white gloves, whatever. if you can back it up, why not?

Because if you're good enough, you don't need garbage like pink sticks to make you stand out. You don't see guys in the NHL wear stuff like that.

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plain and simple...if you can back up the noise you'll be getting wearing pink stuff/using a pink stick, oh well. Played on a team with pink jerseys, didn't lose a game for two seasons. I'm sure guys had tough times after the game trying to explain to their girlfriends how they lost to the dudes in the "gay" jerseys.

just like dudes with reflective visors, white gloves, whatever. if you can back it up, why not?

Because if you're good enough, you don't need garbage like pink sticks to make you stand out. You don't see guys in the NHL wear stuff like that.

*cought* ovech.. *cought*

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plain and simple...if you can back up the noise you'll be getting wearing pink stuff/using a pink stick, oh well. Played on a team with pink jerseys, didn't lose a game for two seasons. I'm sure guys had tough times after the game trying to explain to their girlfriends how they lost to the dudes in the "gay" jerseys.

just like dudes with reflective visors, white gloves, whatever. if you can back it up, why not?

Because if you're good enough, you don't need garbage like pink sticks to make you stand out. You don't see guys in the NHL wear stuff like that.

*cought* ovech.. *cought*

Ovechkin is wearing a clear visor

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plain and simple...if you can back up the noise you'll be getting wearing pink stuff/using a pink stick, oh well. Played on a team with pink jerseys, didn't lose a game for two seasons. I'm sure guys had tough times after the game trying to explain to their girlfriends how they lost to the dudes in the "gay" jerseys.

just like dudes with reflective visors, white gloves, whatever. if you can back it up, why not?

Because if you're good enough, you don't need garbage like pink sticks to make you stand out. You don't see guys in the NHL wear stuff like that.

*cought* ovech.. *cought*

Ovechkin is wearing a clear visor

Isn't it more of a smoked-out tinted one? :unsure:

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well remember back at the world cup last year then...there is some show-off and it nice...show-off are always good...not too much...but some is nice!

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I think ovechkin wears a tinted oakley aviator visor now.

As for the peeps that like to wear flashy gear. I admire them! It takes some guts to stand out of the crowd espcially if you're not good!

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i'm not talented...but i like to show-off my style... like pink tape...when i used to play with t'blade i had blakc holder with one side yellow stab and the other one blue stab... with black or white runner!

i mean i'm not good but i love to get attention...i might not do a dastyuk move but i still can pass a guys or give a nice clean check...after i go see the guys, and i'm like..hey so who the fag right now?

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Then again, I do have about 5 pink shirts in my closet! :D

Whenever I'd start to put on a pink shirt, I'd realize, "Oh, wait, I have game Thursday night. I'll wear it then."

Some guys on the team really had trouble with a guy wearing a pink shirt, and it made it twice as fun to wear it because of that.... ;)

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I saw the "Rebel" at the Mission booth at the Great Skate Tent Sale. Like a few of the other boys said, it's even worse when you have to look at it in person. Even my younger brother, who is a bit of a punk skateboarder/biker, cringed.

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