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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting with wood VS composite

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To a certain extent, some are stuck on their current gear and are more picky based on what they have performed best with. A fourth liner might actually be more inclined to try that new cutting edge product in an attempt to gain that extra edge, getting the product to them is another story.

Yes, I agree, but I would think that star players are usually the first ones approached with new technology, as they are the high profile players that companies want being seen with their products...

Some are picky - Shanahan and Smyth with Aluminum come to mind, although i think Smyth has since switched...not sure about Shanahan though.

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To a certain extent, some are stuck on their current gear and are more picky based on what they have performed best with.  A fourth liner might actually be more inclined to try that new cutting edge product in an attempt to gain that extra edge, getting the product to them is another story.

Yes, I agree, but I would think that star players are usually the first ones approached with new technology, as they are the high profile players that companies want being seen with their products...

Some are picky - Shanahan and Smyth with Aluminum come to mind, although i think Smyth has since switched...not sure about Shanahan though.

shannys switched from both his old tacks and aluminums to xxx's and warrior one piece

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The main reason I switched to shafts is because of the weight. If they could build a wood stick with good weight around 450grms and make it reasonably durable(which I'm sure has been done in the NHL) I would jump all over it. Before I switched to comp I tried using an Intermediate Bauer 3030 but it snaped on my first shot, I then saw an add from CCM for the GrooveLite. Wood stick, aircraft core, I think, with ABS blade. It said they were the lightest stick on the market. BS, I spent $90.00Cad on it and put it aside after the first practice. Then I gave up and bought my first Ultra Lite. So if wood can make a comeback for me it better reduce it's weight if posible. I've also held back from buying wood blades for my bubble b/c they'll unbalance the shaft. So for 5yrs I've been using Z-Carbs b/c its the only blade that yields a good overall balance. But I'm tired of spending $90.00 on a blade especially when you can buy a price point OPS for less than that.

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Try a Zero-G if you can find one...otherwise, a Z-Carbon woody is quite light and you get the best of both worlds (theoretically, anyway). Other solid core sticks that I think are light enough for my tastes (I use an Inno 1100 with an Inno blade - it's LIGHT) are the Sher-Wood PMP5030 and PMP7000.

EDIT: Bauer 1000s are quite light as well.

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I can get my hands on many Zero-g's but I got 3 bubbles and would rather put them to use. Plus I thought the Zero G's was very thick. I'm gonna try the least expensive wood blade on the market..sherwood 5030.

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The zero g is not thick, its a average concave shaft. It is very light for a wood stick.Man, I just cant get used to the feel of wood again. I havent used wood since i started playing(3+) years ago. Composite blades have a better feel IMO, this is prolly just becuase I havent used wood in so long. Also the zero g is too stiff for me, need the whip.

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Al Iafraty im pritty shure holds the record for slapshot speed with 106.7

Close.... it was 105 (although, I see that JR beat me to this revelation). Heins has the record (although, some claim that Bobby Hull has a record of 127 - but it was estimated or something. May just be urban legend as no one can seem to agree as to when and where this happened.)

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in an interview, he said he used wood because he's a puck carrier and he wants the feel. he also "plays around" with it, ie shave it down, curve it, he even said "twist it" or something like that. maybe he intentionally warps his sticks... i know there was a hespeler wood stick that was curved like a bow, to supposedly make it kick better, but it was garbage

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asdfa - the Hespeler 50/50 was a great stick. That thing shot hard as hell...

Ballistik do make a ''off-set'' blade like this

anyways is this technology was really working?

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My harder shot was when i was peewee( i was 12-13) with a old JUNIOR(or int.) TPS all black and with a big MESSIER at the middle of the shaft, wood for sure..the thing lasted me 1 year before i was too tall to use it

then i'm 16yr with a r2xn10(used a lot of shaft combo) and i can't even get close to what i used to shoot at peewee(no kidding...i think i finished my year with around 50 goal...30 was on slap shop...i was scoring from the blue...i even scored one goal from the RED!

Is it due to the flex difference?? to the very nice curve on my old messier?? to the smaller stick??( i might have grow up by 2-3 inch since 4 years...but my stick length get longer by maybe 6-7 inch!!!)

I have no real clue...but damn i miss these nice shot!:(

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i swear... i used to shoot it nicely low or in the top corner...now 1 shot out of 5( approx) are good the 4 other are just slower than my wristshot and ''collecting ice''

Remember at 13yr i was 5'10-11 and about 165lbs if not 170...at 15yr(going on 16 in 3 month) i'm 6'0-1 180lbs...so i didn't get really heavier or anything...

at my hockey camp(one at a hockey school, and the other one at my summer camp(to make the team) we had radar contest so the coach could see how ''strong'' we are...no joke i was shooting about 20-25kmh higher than anybody...

by comparaison..i can't remember exactly what was my number...but my shot was as hard as a good slap shot guy at bantam and so-so midget

My father and I, can't see what happened to me but oh well...i started using a cyclone 95 flex(compared to my 55-60 flex old wood) that i couldn't really flex so i started only using wrist shot...and maybe i lost my ''technique''

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i swear... i used to shoot it nicely low or in the top corner...now 1 shot out of 5( approx) are good the 4 other are just slower than my wristshot and ''collecting ice''

Remember at 13yr i was 5'10-11 and about 165lbs if not 170...at 15yr(going on 16 in 3 month) i'm 6'0-1 180lbs...so i didn't get really heavier or anything...

at my hockey camp(one at a hockey school, and the other one at my summer camp(to make the team) we had radar contest so the coach could see how ''strong'' we are...no joke i was shooting about 20-25kmh higher than anybody...

by comparaison..i can't remember exactly what was my number...but my shot was as hard as a good slap shot guy at bantam and so-so midget

My father and I, can't see what happened to me but oh well...i started using a cyclone 95 flex(compared to my 55-60 flex old wood) that i couldn't really flex so i started only using wrist shot...and maybe i lost my ''technique''

The problem is obvious. You made a big jump in flex but you're apparently no stronger then you were 2 years ago. Start doing push ups. A stiffer stick won't help your shot if you can't flex it.

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Many would agree the feel of wood is better for stick handling, but I also like the feel of wood for shooting as well.

My best slappers were with a Hespeler 50/50 woodie, and an Aluminum shaft-Wood blade combo.

I always found I could "read" the recoil on a wood shaft or wood blade better and thus get a better wind-up and follow-through.

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except tapered wood blades are a bitch to find in the drury pattern unless you go custom :(

It looks like there's enough demand here, I may have to start stocking some.

Chadd, did you ever get any tapered Christian #3 woodies?

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asdfa - the Hespeler 50/50 was a great stick. That thing shot hard as hell...

i really just played around with my friend's stick, but to me, it just felt really really weird, like the stick had a 2 step flex. i found it really awkward

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The sherwood 7000 was one of my favourite sticks but it broke after 3 games. Been using composite shafts, but for sure, you can't beat the feel of a wood stick. BTW, Lindros is back to wood. Seems like the OPS didn't work out for him.

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The "XX" he was using were just his Woody's painted. I think he tried an OPS for about a half period all season long. He was trying a shaft/blade tonight though.

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Ya it was a shaft and blade tonight. He's been using the 6000's all season though(I have no idea how the blade is thick as hell). Allison also went back to wood, and I think Wellwood is using wood as well, or atleast a wood blade. To me, the biggest problem with wood is thicker blades, Sher-Wood seems to do a good job at thinner blades, as does TPS but most other companys have terribly fat blades. If it wasen't for the retail 7000's being so damned rounded in the shaft and not boxy like I like, I would be all over them. Oh well back to good ol' SOP's.

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Allison and Wellwood have been with Wood all year as well. At one point Allison was using a lower end white RBK wood, which looked similar to an OPS, but it was wood. I think Wellwood's been using wood sticks painted to look like shaft and blade combo's, but they are wood.

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