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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broke my Vapor XXX ....what to do with it now?

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because it has that .470 taper.....can I turn my broken vapor into a shaft? Will normal tapered blades fit?.....or should I just toss the stick now? I broke the blade in half so everything else is fine so far...but since the xxx is a true one piece I don't even know where to cut cuz I can't see a fuse point or anything


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haha damn I can't get use to the drury heel curve man.....I dunno what to do with the Z Carb, prob just keep it for roller next year.

I still have my Si-Core that I havne't used yet guess since It never got around to being sold I'll use it. when that bad boy breaks I'm gonna stick with 2 piece with wood blades probably

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Couldnt you just turn it into a standard shaft by cutting the blade off and putting a blade in the other end?

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Couldnt you just turn it into a standard shaft by cutting the blade off and putting a blade in the other end?

you could but that would mess up the flex point and it would just make it really awkward

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I find Cyclones a little overpriced, if I go the route of trying to fix it I may go to WestCoast Sports just outside my house or venture down to Surrey to see if The Hockey Shop can help me

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I find Cyclones a little overpriced, if I go the route of trying to fix it I may go to WestCoast Sports just outside my house or venture down to Surrey to see if The Hockey Shop can help me

with the gas prices lately you may as well just go to cyclone's, its a lot closer:)

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On the XXX you have to like take out the foam around the taper. Apparently it's a major pain.

...If cleaning out the XXX is half as bad (re: "tedious" and "time-consuming") as the Inno True-1, I say you're probably better off selling or chucking the shaft.

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sorry, not trying to steal the thread, but didnt think there was much point starting a new thread. are stealths easier to cut when broken? can i just cut that a put in a tapered blade?

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OK, well, let's say it IS a major pain, but doable. Hell, let's even say it takes 40 minutes to do. How much would a new XXX shaft (or Stealth, or Busch, or Inno T1) cost? $100 (retail) seems about right, right?

So, how many of us make $100 an hour? Therefore, the 40 minutes of work seems to justify trying to make it into a shaft that being the case.

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it is a tedius task but well worth the time because of the money you'll save, and environmentally friendly too! When I did a fused Inno 1100 I did it a bit a time because doing this all in one sitting can be frustrating. The only thing is I had to gather all my tools everytime I worked on it. I took me a week, but i came out beautiful compared to my Response which I did in one sitting.

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I managed to get it in where the red line is under the monocomp tech words

I'll try to get pix up later tonight if people want to see.

Had to put the butt end back in though :( Gonna take it to a S&P tomorrow and see how it feels :S

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I have a used, but still in good condition Vapor XXX that I would sell for dirt cheap. I am located in Vancouver as well. PM me if you are interested. It's a 77 flex, but it feels about the same as my Synergy SL 100 flex. I actually really like the flex, but I like the blade and puck feel of my SL better.

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