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Best Horror Movie

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The Fog (original) was good though not scary

The changling

The Grudge wasn't too bad

IT was scary for me

Se7en grossed me out pretty much

The Shinning scared the shiet out of me when I first saw it

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My best story was when I saw "The Sentinel" in eighth grade at the downtown theatre in Exeter. We lived about a mile away and my mother made me walk home.

I'm not sure why I found the movie scary, but halfway through it I started to realize, "Man, if I don't leave now, there's no frickin' way I'm going to make it home!" Sure enough, I left right then and sprinted all the way. :lol:

Exeter??? My wedding reception was at the Exeter Inn!

I just came back from vacationing in that area and past Epping. Yes that town is still known for its stickin McDonalds.

This thread is ONLY relevant to you if you speak of Exeter NH.


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Yeah, I meant to ask you what part of NH you were from when we were trading those PM's. I was back there for a HS reunion, and as I drove past the IOKA it looked like it's no longer a theatre -- it looked like they turned it into a dance hall.

I think movies were something like $1.00 every Tuesday night, so that's where I always went. Most nights I'd walk home, but that night I sprinted. :lol:

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Man you guys get scared too easily. I very very rarely get scared from movies. But the movie High Tension was an exception. The most disgusting and awesome movie I have ever seen. Very good storyline too. SAW was very good too, but not scary. SAW2 should be awesome. I can't beleive any of you were actually scared of IT. I was scared sh*tless until the last 15 minutes of the movie and I was like wtf was that. That turned out to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The Grudge was good and the new Amityville Horror was pretty good, but the ending sucked.

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Yeah, I meant to ask you what part of NH you were from when we were trading those PM's. I was back there for a HS reunion, and as I drove past the IOKA it looked like it's no longer a theatre -- it looked like they turned it into a dance hall.

I think movies were something like $1.00 every Tuesday night, so that's where I always went. Most nights I'd walk home, but that night I sprinted. :lol:

I am from Nashua but drove that 101 strip many a time to visit girlfriends along the way. That and to pick them up at Hampton Beach back in the day :)

I showed my wife my old pickup spots by the life guard station at Hampton this last week. She was less than amused.

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Man you guys get scared too easily. I very very rarely get scared from movies. But the movie High Tension was an exception. The most disgusting and awesome movie I have ever seen. Very good storyline too.

You got scared by that movie? It was disgusting only in the sense they charged money for it. Granted if they would have stuck with their NC-17 it may have been more disturbing, but that movie was just horrible and not scary at all.

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For me I have to go with the orginal "Halloween".  Low budget movie that this is well written with amazing screen setup and killer music.

All time classic.

Exactly what I was going to post. I love the ending and the theme for it also.

IT was also scary when I was smaller and I liked the new texas chainsaw massacre but not really scary.

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It's not the scariest movie, hell its not scray period, but I agree with what was said above about SAW. That is such an awesome movie because it does such a good job playing with mind. I'm personally not a fan of horror movies, but I do like the "psychological thriller" as its called in the commercials.

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It's not the scariest movie, hell its not scray period, but I agree with what was said above about SAW. That is such an awesome movie because it does such a good job playing with mind. I'm personally not a fan of horror movies, but I do like the "psychological thriller" as its called in the commercials.

Ya that was an awesome movie. Cant wait for the sequel. Hopefully it will be as good as the first one.

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The Village = One of the worst movies EVER..

I'm surprised none has said 28 day's later.. that movie was freaky IMO.. And I agree, I too enjoy horror movies when it's possible that it could happen.

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It's not the scariest movie, hell its not scray period, but I agree with what was said above about SAW. That is such an awesome movie because it does such a good job playing with mind. I'm personally not a fan of horror movies, but I do like the "psychological thriller" as its called in the commercials.

Ya that was an awesome movie. Cant wait for the sequel. Hopefully it will be as good as the first one.

yes i agree, much of my town didn't like the movie and i don't understand why.

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The Village = One of the worst movies EVER..

I'm surprised none has said 28 day's later.. that movie was freaky IMO..  And  I agree, I too enjoy horror movies when it's possible that it could happen.

It was good until it became about army guys raping girls.

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Little known Japanese "horror" movie called "Audition". Not necessarily a horror movie, but after watching the last 15 minutes, you will never be the same again. I am forever eternally fearful of short, asian actresses.

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The Shinning scared the shiet out of me when I first saw it

Oh how I agree. I wanted to watch that tonight, but my video store didn't have it.

I saw The Boogeyman tonight, and boy did that movie suck

Spent most of it being comfortable with the girl next to me :D

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I liked all the Nightmares as well. And yeah, It was freaky as hell.

Good one. With all the new stuff I fogot the "nighmare" series. The original was one of the best. Plus Johnny Depp gets axed in it. It got a bit campy after #2 though. That's when eveyone in the theatre would be cheering for Freddy because the kids were so lame.

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I saw Emily Rose a couple days ago, not really scary but just freaky. The scaryiest I've probably seen was The Excorsist. Saw2 looks pretty good, definatly on my to see list

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I saw Emily Rose a couple days ago, not really scary but just freaky. The scaryiest I've probably seen was The Excorsist. Saw2 looks pretty good, definatly on my to see list

What made it really scary for me, was that all of the tapes and sounds are actually real. It's the tapes from the real exorcism apperantly.

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i think my all time fav has to be the original halloween...i'm 23 yrs old and that damn song still gives me chills

Saw I and II are definitely 2 of my favorites...although i wasn't scared watching those. I just think they were brilliantly done.

I agree with those who are into the movies that are somewhat more realistic. I lose all interest when they start getting too out of hand. i really want to see emily rose..that one is def next on my list of must sees

ps- the grudge had to be one of the worst movies i've ever seen! Only good part about it was when the kid would randomly appear in the background...like when she was in the elevator and you'd see him through the window as she's passing the floors. that creeped the hell out of me...

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