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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Halloween Costume

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JR and I have a Halloween party this Sunday and we need a costume idea! I was thinking about maybe a "couples costume" or some kind of TV or movie theme.

I'd love to hear some of your ideas!

Remember it has to be easy and can't cost a lot of money.

Thanks guys

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It's settled - I shall be Homey D. Clown.

Homey D. Clown

Don't mess around

Even when the Man

Try to keep him down

One day Homey will

Break all the chains

Then he'll fly away

But until that day


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I've got a fever, but is you're prescription more cowbell?

Damn, now I have to watch that again. Good thing I have a copy around here somewhere.

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Me and my ex used to do the french fries and ketchup combo. It´s easy to do but we´ve done that twice already so that´s not an option for me anymore.

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It'd probably cost too much but you could go the Star Wars route.

Kristin: Princess Leia

JR: Lando! But instead of a laser gun, you'd carry a tall can of 45.


Walk into the party, they'd be like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH BILLY DEE!"

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If we can convince our coach to make practice totally optional (as of now, it stands to be "optional" *wink wink*), my girlfriend and I will be going as Peter Pan and Wendy.

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You trying to help Mack?

I have no other ideas and I'll be damned if I go with something womanly like she'll propose.

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I have no other ideas and I'll be damned if I go with something womanly like she'll propose.

...Like Peter Pan and Wendy? :ph34r:

I won't go there, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. If you do that, maybe Tinkerbell will come out to play.

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I have no other ideas and I'll be damned if I go with something womanly like she'll propose.

...Like Peter Pan and Wendy? :ph34r:

I won't go there, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. If you do that, maybe Tinkerbell will come out to play.

Well, we recently had a little incident in which something (I'm sure I don't have to go into further detail as to what that "something" might be) broke. I was scared out of my mind until we were sure that everything was okay, and am still a little freaked-out about the whole thing, so, for now, I'm really not all that concerned about what Wendy will do to/with/for Peter.

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I have no other ideas and I'll be damned if I go with something womanly like she'll propose.

...Like Peter Pan and Wendy? :ph34r:

I won't go there, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. If you do that, maybe Tinkerbell will come out to play.

Well, we recently had a little incident in which something (I'm sure I don't have to go into further detail as to what that "something" might be) broke. I was scared out of my mind until we were sure that everything was okay, and am still a little freaked-out about the whole thing, so, for now, I'm really not all that concerned about what Wendy will do to/with/for Peter.

I'm Catholic, but I see what you mean. As for alternatives...well...I refer you to Leon Phelps.

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