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Good skater in Graf

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Today at stick & puck, I saw a real good skater in Graf. In fact, I always see people in Graf are good skaters.

Does good skater always choose Graf?

or Graf helps a person to become a better skater??

What do u think??

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Actually, the forward pich of the graf is condusive to better skating. However one doesn't need to get grafs to get the forward lean.

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for a long time, graf was known as the top model skate, that was hard to get...this goes a few years back. it seemed that the only players that wore graf was the premier player. graf had simply gotten the reputation of being the AAA, Junior, of Pro players skate. and, with the exception of their attempt to compete with lighter models, their top model skates are still usually chosen by those same top level players. so, do grafs help you skate better... not really, but do good skaters choose graf, yes, in many cases they do. grafs are a well built product that can handle the day in and day out abuse put on them... not the lightweight versions!

i have been wearing grafs for the past 7 years now... reason being, they are the most comfortable skate for my foot, with my skating style... and because they hold up. now i will say, that this is my second pair, and both have been custom built, becasue of the shape of my foot... but they simply outlast any other skate i have ever worn... and i was wearing bauers all my life... and that was before the "lighter is better" trend started. back when skates were built to last.

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for a long time, graf was known as the top model skate, that was hard to get...this goes a few years back. it seemed that the only players that wore graf was the premier player. graf had simply gotten the reputation of being the AAA, Junior, of Pro players skate. and, with the exception of their attempt to compete with lighter models, their top model skates are still usually chosen by those same top level players. so, do grafs help you skate better... not really, but do good skaters choose graf, yes, in many cases they do. grafs are a well built product that can handle the day in and day out abuse put on them... not the lightweight versions!

i have been wearing grafs for the past 7 years now... reason being, they are the most comfortable skate for my foot, with my skating style... and because they hold up. now i will say, that this is my second pair, and both have been custom built, becasue of the shape of my foot... but they simply outlast any other skate i have ever worn... and i was wearing bauers all my life... and that was before the "lighter is better" trend started. back when skates were built to last.

Price has a lot to do with it as well. Grafs are high end at high end prices, out of the range for most folks. Some high end players believe they have to have high end skates to perform well, not true.

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...Compared to the price of vapor xxx's and synergy skates, the price of a 7 series Graf skate here in Calgary is almost 150 dollar lower...However that could be because the factory is here...

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...Compared to the price of vapor xxx's and synergy skates, the price of a 7 series Graf skate here in Calgary is almost 150 dollar lower...However that could be because the factory is here...

Before the Vapor series, Grafs were traditionally more expensive than other skates.

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Well from my stand point, I beleive that the forward pitch and low lower cut boot (As opposed to Bauers for exemple) favors the good skater in some form, I was a long time Graf user for this exact reason, everyone that had them swore by them and seemed to look like they where just floating on the ice... So I tried a pair and wore them with no socks as allot of owners told me to try, I won't lie to you, I was hooked, the skate was so comfortable and the forward pich was addictive...

After 4 years of wearing those, I needed a new pair, to my surprise, the quality of the boot had gone down and the holders where missplaced etc... After 3 pairs with the same result, A Mission Rep helped me jump ship and now I wear S500's or old Pure flys

The quality of the product has gone down and the customer service treats you as if you should feel privilaged that you can wear there product... Unless you are Pro and can get them made custom, I would stay away from the newer pairs today, nothing like the old product

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jimmy, what is the difference between forward lean and forward pitch?

EDIT : isn't it harder to skate backwards in forward pitched skates?

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jimmy, what is the difference between forward lean and forward pitch?

EDIT : isn't it harder to skate backwards in forward pitched skates?

the skating backwards is more personal preference. A better question to ask is, if you were doing backwards sprints, would you prefer to be on your toes. So in the beginning it would likely be ackward, but it should not prove to be that big a problem.

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jimmy, what is the difference between forward lean and forward pitch?

EDIT : isn't it harder to skate backwards in forward pitched skates?

the skating backwards is more personal preference. A better question to ask is, if you were doing backwards sprints, would you prefer to be on your toes. So in the beginning it would likely be ackward, but it would not prove to be that big a problem.

A lot of defensemen here use the -1 setting on their pitch holders.

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Beginner/Intermediate level skaters will have a very hard time maximizing what a Graf skate has to offer. At the same time, a good skater will be a good skater in anything.

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darnit...i thought the power came from my legs...

I'm talking from a foot placement point of view. You don't want to be on your heels.

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jimmy, what is the difference between forward lean and forward pitch?

EDIT : isn't it harder to skate backwards in forward pitched skates?

Some have balance problems skating backwards with a stake pitched/leaned forward, others do not. I have reversed the lean on grafs for some skaters because they did not like the forward lean. Generally speaking, a forward lean improves forward skating and a reverse lean improves backwards skating. Not for everyone though.

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jimmy, what is the difference between forward lean and forward pitch?

EDIT : isn't it harder to skate backwards in forward pitched skates?

Some have balance problems skating backwards with a stake pitched/leaned forward, others do not. I have reversed the lean on grafs for some skaters because they did not like the forward lean. Generally speaking, a forward lean improves forward skating and a reverse lean improves backwards skating. Not for everyone though.

i tried the LS2 setting(which i think is -1) and i couldn't skate backward and do 3 cross-over before i was falling on the ice...skating forward: never found a difference...

so now i'm back on my t'blade setting and prolite which is like a +.5 not super forward but quite...

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doesn't the arch in the boot of the skate play a role in the pitch of the skate? i know you can sharpen the blades so your more on your heels or toes, but the balance point for your feet from the arch in the boot is still the same.

i think i'm gonna have to do something with my graf skates though. i was on the ice tonight, and it felt like i was rocking back and forth on the blades when i was standing still in the corners for drills. any recommendations?

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what setting in the mission holder would the the pitch of the cobras be? (even if it was more pitched than the +1?

If I remember correctly the neutral is slightly less forward than a Graf 705 and the +1 is slightly more forward than the 705. I could be wrong though, I've only slept three hours in the last 36.

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I disagree, Graf still makes an excellent product. I am being very impartial here because I wear CCM Pro Tacks and Easton Snergy 1300's. I don't wear Grafs because of the forward lean, it just doesn't feel right to me. I am much more comfortable with the neutral contour and comfortable boot CCM makes. My Eastons have just a little more forward lean on them but not to the point where it makes me uneasy and of course the fit and comfort is comporable to CCM's.

I chose the Easton Snergys over the Graf G-5 when I was shopping for a newer skate, but not without a lot of controversy. The G-5 was extremely comfortable and well made but I felt the Easton gave me the similar fit to my Pro Tacks which I was accustomed to so, switching back and forth would not be an issue. The Snergy 1300 was also extremely comfortable with not as deep a fit as the Graf but the deciding factor for me was the solid outer carbon composite boot on the Snergy which in my opinon should give me much more long term durability. If not for that factor and the forward contour of the Graf blades, the G-5 would have been my first choice. Yes, I know you can change the contour but the durability issue is still there and I guess I'll see over time if my estimation of this is correct. I do know one thing for sure, if I get another pair of skates, they will be whatever Graf has at that time which is comporable to the G-5.

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