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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looks to be using a Warrior stick.

Warrior which is known for their lacrosse equipment, looks to be getting involved in hockey. They are owned by New Balance and also own Innovative.

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He's using a Warrior Dolomite.

On a side note. Are there any pros using a Warrior stick besides the Dolomite?

P.S. That curve is nasty :P

is there any othe Warrior sticks besides the Dolomite?

yes it is a nasty curve.

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He's using a Warrior Dolomite.

On a side note. Are there any pros using a Warrior stick besides the Dolomite?

P.S.  That curve is nasty  :P

is there any othe Warrior sticks besides the Dolomite?

Yeah. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I thought their top of the line stick was the "Mack daddy" and then also have a price point OPS, I forget the name.

Does Warrior Hockey have a website?


The Site isn't up yet.

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Doesnt that void his bauer contract? I guess not. Anyways thats I nice looking stick. So if its not top of the line why is everyone using it?

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Doesnt that void his bauer contract? I guess not. Anyways thats I nice looking stick. So if its not top of the line why is everyone using it?

He used Innos before, so it's no surprise he's using the Dolomite. It's also possible that not all of the dolomite sticks are the same or will be the same as the retail product when it rolls out.

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Doesnt that void his bauer contract? I guess not. Anyways thats I nice looking stick. So if its not top of the line why is everyone using it?

He used Innos before, so it's no surprise he's using the Dolomite. It's also possible that not all of the dolomite sticks are the same or will be the same as the retail product when it rolls out.

They're not using the Dolomite...they're using the high end one.

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Hey now, it's got a ring to it. Okay, not really but I'm biased. I'd just paint over the "Daddy" and do my business.

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Warrior is using Innovative technology, does anybody know which stick is which


Mack Daddy=

not too sure of any others

kovalchuk's xx'x (gloves) are really nice

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dolomite = 1100

mack daddy = true one

...from what I gather.

Well if that's true, then it's a good thing they're not using the name Innovative anymore. Producing the same sticks year after year is hardly innovative.

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