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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I thought it was a Busch Laser...but I think I remember seeing him with a Warrior during pre-season.

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He did use the busch laser 2 years ago but idk now it lookes the same but i thought i saw xxx on the middle of the stick but i could of just been seeing things

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The second one says Lightning and has a Lightning bolt on it, both have a white thing near his handle tape though.

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As mentioned the first one is a Busch, maybe they didn't pay licensing this year or maybe he just wanted to black it out. The second one almost looks like it says Salming, you can see "ING" above his bottom hand.

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As mentioned the first one is a Busch, maybe they didn't pay licensing this year or maybe he just wanted to black it out. The second one almost looks like it says Salming, you can see "ING" above his bottom hand.

so is it a salming lightning? i don't really see how that's possible, considering it say LIGH below his bottom hand and NING above. imo it's a nice looking stick no matter who it's made by

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As mentioned the first one is a Busch, maybe they didn't pay licensing this year or maybe he just wanted to black it out. The second one almost looks like it says Salming, you can see "ING" above his bottom hand.

so is it a salming lightning? i don't really see how that's possible, considering it say LIGH below his bottom hand and NING above. imo it's a nice looking stick no matter who it's made by

Lightning makes more sense than Salming, their new stick is white. Maybe it's a new Busch stick that is "down" to the weights of other top OPS.

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If you look at both sticks, on the upper part of the shaft, there seems to be a white paint area or possibly a tag. Since it appears on both sticks in the same spot, I'm thinking it's the same brand.

I'm gonna go with Chadd here and say it's a new Busch.

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actually it is a graf/busch lazer. hockeytown authentics in troy, mich has some of Langs sticks. he does like to black out the logos. a couple of weeks ago the detroit free press had a picture of him on the front of the sports page and he was holding an inno 1100.

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Lang (like Larionov) has been a long time Busch user (I mean, I know he has tried others, but have seen his Busch sticks before).

As for why it's blacked out, it could be that it's not a Laser or Gold (and Graf is supposed to have the Busch rights in North America, so he'd have to black it out if it were, say, a Balance).

Since it's blue, I was going to guess that it was a Busch Titanium, but looks like someone else found out that Busch is making other ones in blue (the lightning).

Oddly.... the lightning is not even on their web site: http://www.busch-hockey.com/index2_e.htm

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When I looked at that pic from getty (briefly) I thought the graphics were located in the same spot as with a Laser that he used earlier in the season. Considering the number of guys on the team that have used Inno in the past, I wouldn't be shocked to see him giving the Warrior a spin.

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I dunno, SRI, you def. know a ton more than I do...but looking at those two pics, that little white graphic at the top of the shaft is the same on both sticks. And as another member posted, the "Lightning" is Graf/Busch stick.

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Ok I looked at some pics of Warrior sticks and that little white or silver decal appears on them too. So now I'm really confused. They're on Warrior sticks, they're on Busch sticks...I just want to know who makes the Lightning and some info about it, that's it. Lol.

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there graf/busch sticks because on the top of the handle on the grafs it has a white thing thats pretty much embedded on the handle of the stick. i used too use them and i couldnt take them off. reason there blacked out is because graf doesnt pay the licensing for there sticks to be visible in the nhl.

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The Lightning is busch's "premium" OPS. I know it for a fact since I have a couple of them laying around.

The weight is pretty light (lightest stick they've made) and it shoots decent, but there is no taper.

Busch's shafts (both regular and the ones the use to make ops) arent that great. but IMO they make nice blades, and since they make my custom curve in composite I don't complain B)

Have a XX pro shaft I currently use with a Busch custom (my curve) composite, wouldn't trade it for any OPS. B)

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You don't like the Busch shafts? Those things are greatness! Built to last, for sure.

I think Busch should look into making a taper, but that's not their business really (they're a vacuum pump composites manufacturer - the stick was just an off shoot). It's not like they hire sports engineers/designers.

Regardless, where did you get the Lightning from? You got a Europe hook-up?

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Well I live in Europe so I'd say I got a pretty good hook-up... B)

It's right the Busch sticks are tanks, but when the feel and shot is subpar (PP) then it doesn't really matter.

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