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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's on your holiday wish list?

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I'll get my usually soup of tape/laces/gift certificate from the family which is perfect for me.

I went asswild on buying sticks in 2004 so I'm set for a while. But at some point next year I'll try one of the Warrior OPS. I just hope nobody breaks out with the: "War-riors, come out and pla-ay!" (Had to see the old movie...)

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I'll get my usually soup of tape/laces/gift certificate from the family which is perfect for me.

I went asswild on buying sticks in 2004 so I'm set for a while. But at some point next year I'll try one of the Warrior OPS. I just hope nobody breaks out with the: "War-riors, come out and pla-ay!" (Had to see the old movie...)

Awsome movie!

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Lookin at getting more SOP's and maybe a P13 XN10 from National sports for $99. Annnd new custom Grafs, since my V-12's literally just fell apart when I was lacing them up last night.

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First of all, free insurance coverage for all the injuries I keep getting this season <_< but then after that some new shin guards that go down further down over the tongue of my skate and a couple new twigs...

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Mission Hex-1

-Habs authentic jersey (Trying to decide on name. Im down to either Kovalev, Zednik or Markov) 

Kovalev, not zednik at least.

Kovalev is the most talented player currently on the team. Markov should be around longer than both Kovalev and Zednik unless he's traded or suffers a serious injury so you could get some serious milage out of that jersey (sure you can wear a jersey after a player is traded or retired, but in my opinion it's nicer to have one of a guy who's currently on the team) - he's the youngest of the three, is talented offensively and seems to get better defensively with each passing year. Personally I would go with a Koivu jersey (and did) as I think Koivu is the most complete player on the team - he can kill penalties, is responsible defensively, gifted offensively, has a lot of heart and is the captian and leader of the team - of course Koivu wouldn't exactly be unique. I don't see too many Markov jerseys so another benefit of going with a Markov jersey would be that it'd be different. Any Habs jersey is a good one though...OK I wouldn't go for a Bonk, but other than that ;).

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And what would you do with a Koivu if he signs with another team at the end of the season.

Well after I finished cursing Bob Gainey for not signing him I'd keep the Koivu Jersey as I'm a fan of his as a player, but I'd probably also pick up a new jersey that has a players name on it that was on the roster at the time.

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Dear Santa,

Please make the 30 year old adolescents who think that rec league is a gateway to the NHL go away, so the rest of us can skate, have fun, forget about work for an hour or two and oh yeah, have fun.


Human Zamboni

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Dear Santa,

Please make the 30 year old adolescents who think that rec league is a gateway to the NHL go away, so the rest of us can skate, have fun, forget about work for an hour or two and oh yeah, have fun.


Human Zamboni

holy crap i couldnt agree with you more man. even the idiots at open hockey thought think they are trying out for the nhl and act like dicks. i really wish i could find one of these "beer leagues" i hear about on here where people have a good time while playing and have a few beers after the game :angry:

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im guilty of giviner at drop in ,im only 15 though ,i dont hog the puck or anything but i could tone it down i guess lol. i never get hockey stuff for xmas ,i get it when i need it or at the start of the season ,im hoping for a new guitar and some misfits and danzig cds maybe pants.

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Let's see...

I'd love to get some XXX Lites, Dolomites, or SLs, but I probably won't get 'em :rolleyes:

I do like the idea of getting some new shinpads, and a pair of 5K skates, but mostly I could use a snowboard (as mentioned in Misc. Section)...

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Nike V-14 Protective Equipment

Nike Quest 1 Pant

Nike Dri-Fit top and shorts

Nike Bauer One90

Lightspeed 2 Power Holder and Runner for my Flexlites

Bauer Vapor XXX Lite

Bauer Vapor XXX gloves

Bauer Supreme 8000 helmet

Oakley Visor Cage thingy

We can always dream, can't we? :)

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Bauer Supreme 8000 helmet

I have a Size Large Black Bauer 8000 used only 1 year if your interested.

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Not really asking for much hockey wise this Christmas. Maybe one of those ProStock SiCores and of course lots and lots of shin tape :P

btw what guitar bruin?

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Bauer Supreme 8000 helmet

I have a Size Large Black Bauer 8000 used only 1 year if your interested.

Are you willing to ship it to the UK? lol

Depends on the cost.

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I need hockey Pants!! either the 8k's..or I'll see what the new bauer pants look like

I could use some new shin pads (huge crack in mine, but i can deal with it)

Shoulder pads (doesnt really matter what kinda, just gotta protect)

I could also use some new gloves (xxx's, Mission He750 or He10000)

probably lots of tape

I would love to buy a xxx lite after christmas

Thats about it.

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