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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Strange Lemieux find from the game tonight...

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I got a Louisville TPS Adreneline wooden stick of Mario Lemieux tonight at Mellon Arena. Does anyone have any idea whats behind this? I know he has used Koho, Titan, Nike, and CCM sticks but never one of these. Is it just a demo they sent him or what? I asked the guy I got it from and he said that was the only one like it they had...Any info?





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My guess is he ethier probably just wanted one or since he wears whatever he wants TPS is trying to get some free promotion. He IS Mario Lemieux. The man gets whatever he wants and every company wants him to use what they send him.

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John Pagotto.

He's a friend of Lemieux's...was a bigshot at THC back in the day then went to BNH and took Mario with him. Now he is the guy behind TPS. It was just a matter of time.

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John Pagotto.

He's a friend of Lemieux's...was a bigshot at THC back in the day then went to BNH and took Mario with him.  Now he is the guy behind TPS.  It was just a matter of time.

damn, should I dig up the post or will everyone concede that I called that one? B)

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John Panotta (sp?)

He's a friend of Lemieux's...was a bigshot at THC back in the day then went to BNH and took Mario with him.  Now he is the guy behind TPS.  It was just a matter of time.

damn, should I dig up the post or will everyone concede that I called that one? B)

You did. The name didn't register til you mentioned it.

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Just wondering how close the curve is to a retail modano/forsberg? It looks very similar, maybe more of a heel than a mid heel? Also whats the weight and flex of the stick like (550grams, 110flex?)? Any info would be awesome!

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There is no weight listed on the stick it is long and heavy though and I am looking to sell it. I think I am gonna get it signed first though.

He has always used really heavy sticks.

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My boy got one of his Vectors and its very light. All composite.

I've seen 20 different sticks that were made for him but he always goes back to the heavy woodies.

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The SWEETEST one made for him was this all black composite Bushe stick. Nike had them make it for him. There is a poster they gave away at the games and I was in the background of it! Its like the only game he used it. I asked the equipment guy what it was and thats how I know...lol

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