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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what cut do you like on your skates

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When you get your skates sharpend what size cut do you get? 1/2 3/8 7/16 or 9/16? I get 3/8 or 1/2 but whats the deepest cut? or whats the greatest and whats the smallest how is it determined? I never really understood

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5/8 personally....210 pound player

If it is anything like curves, a 9/16 would be on the deeper hollow end and a 3/8 would be more shallow. That may be incorrect though

That's actually backwards.

The smaller the fraction, the more it will bite. In other words, 3/8 will bite more than 1/2 and that will bite more than 5/8. The trade-off is that you get more glide on the larger fractions.

I use 5/8 in the winter with harder ice and 3/4 in the summer with softer ice.

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correct me if im wrong but my thought is that the measurements are the size of the stone or what ever they use back there where I cant go. But a 1/2 would be a half inch thick wheel and somthing like 7/16 would be deeper. Once again correct me if im wrong

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My skates were already sharpened when I got them in the post :P

Yeah, 1" rocks. Great glide, excellent grip on ice and has a longer sharpening life.

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I skate on a 3/4 inch hollow year round. I'd like to move up to 1 inch eventually but that is down the road a bit.

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I believe most typical wheel/stone dressing arms have a range from about 1/4" (deepest) to 2" (shallowest).

National Sports used to have the house cut at 3/8", which was ridiculous! But customers were so used to it that I could not convince them otherwise. With some changes in personnel and policy, management got smart and changed it to 1/2".

I'm currently skating on 11/16". If I actually have time to get on the ice more often, I might progress towards 1".

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I get 7/8 for now, next time, I'll get 1'', what is after 1'', logan. Is it directly 2'' or what.

You can go to 1+1/8 or whatever other hollow you like.

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3/8" winter, 1/2" summer

why the difference?

Softer summer ice?

My son uses 5/8", all year long. I arrived at that the simple way--kept going shallower and shallower until he ocassionally lost an edge on turns at very high speed, then backed off a little. 210 lbs.

As far as 1/2 and 3/8 changing for summer/winter, I used to think that way too. But in the summer in New England you get such piss poor ice that you need a good edge to keep from falling all over the place, even though you will skate slower during the summer than during the winter unless you shallow up the hollow.

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correct me if im wrong but my thought is that the measurements are the size of the stone or what ever they use back there where I cant go. But a 1/2 would be a half inch thick wheel and somthing like 7/16 would be deeper. Once again correct me if im wrong

The wheel thickness has nothing to do with things. They can take any thickness wheel and dress the edge with a radius (round the edge over in a controlled way).

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Beats me what I use right now honestly. But I plan to get some t'blades so I can get some damn consistency. I'll be using the 13 (7/16) or 15 (1/2) to start, and if it's good, then I'll move to the next shallowest one.

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now everyone seems to think shallower is better :P

i'm pretty sure i'm using 3/4 right now. later on, as it gets colder, i might go a tad deeper. it feels a lot smoother skating on a shallow hollow than a deepr one

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