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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro stock si-cores

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I havent been there in a long time, but today i went in and they had a ton of pro stock si-cores, lots of different patterns (probably like 20 different ones) for 129.99.can They also have vector 120 for 119.99 can. Pretty good deals.

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I dropped into the Eaton Centre and they didn't have any pro return si-core's.

they got a new shipment of retail Lidstrom si-cores in both left and right 100 flex.

$129 CDN.

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If anyone see's a Schaefer give me a heads up. I know he didn't use a Si-Core, but SC seems to have a Schaefer in all of their pro-stocks somewhere.

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If anyone see's a Schaefer give me a heads up. I know he didn't use a Si-Core, but SC seems to have a Schaefer in all of their pro-stocks somewhere.

Is Schaefer that wacky super-open flop curve (RH)? If so, I'm pretty sure I saw an Eclipse in that pattern at the SC in Yorkdale mall a while back. I did not have his name, but it's hard to mistake that pattern for anything else.

Edit: I guess Schaefer is LH, but the one I saw was RH.

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the sportchek by where i work had the schaefer Sherwood pro stock (can't remember the stick name...eclipse? the orange one...) anyways, he's been keeping the same pattern for years now i believe...when he was in vancouver, the camera would do a close up on his stick, and he had the wacky toe that opened up like mad. it's been a while since i've been in, but i saw them a while ago and i guess he hasn't changed it since.

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You would be a king if you could name names of the Easton patterns they had.

theyre all nameless, it actually looks they covered up the names with white paint.

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hey mack,

that curve on the right looks like a 'stacey roest' pattern. I had one of his pro return synergys with the exact curve.

His t-flex blades were more of a mid curve with very little loft.

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I've never seen a pro return close to my curve, if a Roest looks like that I'd have been a happy man.

keep an eye out for Jim Campbell stuff. I have a t-flex of his that you might like. Very long, very straight and very lofted blade.

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I've never seen a pro return close to my curve, if a Roest looks like that I'd have been a happy man.

keep an eye out for Jim Campbell stuff. I have a t-flex of his that you might like. Very long, very straight and very lofted blade.

That sounds like my dream pattern in 5.5 lie. ;)

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The one on the right is his own custom pattern. The one on the left is a pro stock Arnott if i'm not mistaken.

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It is 5.5

Awesome... Now, what brand does Jim Campbell use? Easton?

The t-flex blade I have is Easton. I'll get a pic when I get time (spring maybe?) and you can have it if you want to use it for customs. I cracked the tenon the first time I used it.

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If anyone see's a Schaefer give me a heads up. I know he didn't use a Si-Core, but SC seems to have a Schaefer in all of their pro-stocks somewhere.

Is Schaefer that wacky super-open flop curve (RH)? If so, I'm pretty sure I saw an Eclipse in that pattern at the SC in Yorkdale mall a while back. I did not have his name, but it's hard to mistake that pattern for anything else.

Edit: I guess Schaefer is LH, but the one I saw was RH.

I saw one of his XXs at my LHS, 102 flex, int legth, same fugly curve that was posted here.

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Oh man it's been years since I've seen those, they were awesome. Actually the only comp. T-Flex blade I ever had too =(


Eazy got it on the head, Arnott's on the left and mine is on the right. It's not like the Chelios because that actually has curve.

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the only thing that sucks is they only carry 100 flex- 110-- never any 85's.. I wonder why that is.


earlier in the summer, we carried 85flx Sakics and they went in like a week

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