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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Christmas Tree

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well, I'm kind of ashamed to be saying this...but, I got my Christmas Tree today, It's not a Charlie Brown tree either, I was expecting one, but we got an okay tree for some of the last picks. Hopefully, it will be up and decorated tonight :D

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I think somewhere around the 19th... Set up a real tree for decoration and an artificial one for enveloping preasents. The real one was a little thinner, but perfectly balanced for a real tree.

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My roommate and I got a little shitty one for our dorm Thanksgiving weekend that lasted all of a week and a half. At my house we got one the first part of December.

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We've had this shoddy 6.5 foot artificial one for a while now, but we put it up the first weekend of December. We have an 18 foot ceiling in the main room where we put the tree, so next year when we're going to have the entire family in town we're gonna get a big like 10-11 foot mofo.

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We haven't done one for the past 5 years. We just throw the gifts under a plant that we have in the living room.

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We haven't done one for the past 5 years. We just throw the gifts under a plant that we have in the living room.

we were close to doing something like that this year, or else just go up the driveway and see if there were any decent little ones ;)

We'll put up the tree tomorrow, this is the latest I've gotten a tree for Christmas :(

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We always put ours up the weekend before my Brothers brithday (22nd).

I haven't had a tree since I've been on my own. I spent the first 5 Christmases after I moved out back at home, and the last 5 at my GF's.

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