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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crosby's pro curve?

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i got it from my lhs which is about 20 min from mellon. they have a good connections with the sherwood rep

what place? i am around the PGH area

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I've yet to check out KO... Peranis is unfortunately more convienent...

That's where I bought my first TPS Response. Horrible customer service but the place was packed with toys the last time I was there.

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its the same thing as a leclair curve well very very close just a shorter blade and a higher lie i have one of his sherwood black sticks at home from ebay

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leclair pro and crosby pro are not even close. and ko is basically a garage that is packed with everything. not a bad place.

chadd, there service isnt the greatest, alot of pricing errors, but they have slashed some prices for me, so i cant complain too much.

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anyone know the lie on that blade, it doesn't look very high, yet he seems to use a really short stick

and does anyone know what lie does a kariya pro have?

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its the same thing as a leclair curve well very very close just a shorter blade and a higher lie i have one of his sherwood black sticks at home from ebay

A LeClair pro isn't even close to a Crosby, I bought a LeClair from the Pens, I'll post pics when I get a chance, the curve is insane, but it's great for the style I play...

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anyone know the lie on that blade, it doesn't look very high, yet he seems to use a really short stick

and does anyone know what lie does a kariya pro have?

It is almost a roberts F4.


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That leclair looks broken from that angle. It's basically a wedge with virtually no curve at all.

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it has a negative curve

What is the reason for this? does it make it easier to do certain things? e.g. sakic being open to lift the puck easier...or is it just how he likes it.

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it has a negative curve

What is the reason for this? does it make it easier to do certain things? e.g. sakic being open to lift the puck easier...or is it just how he likes it.

If you ever noticed, LeClair scored about 90% of his goals from right around the crease. Just helps get the puck up high quick on both the forehand and backhand, good for deflections too.

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