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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boston/Vegas show recap

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If I left anyone out, please PM me.

The one thing that really struck me this year is that the show was a bit of a downer this year. Most of the manufacturers pumped out new product once the NHL season started and didn't have as much real new stuff at the show. Both shows were very lightly attended as well making them both a boit of a bummer as well. With word spreading that the Montreal show being moved to November to better suit the top buying groups, there was a real feeling that the shows were on the decline. Maybe it was also partly due to the air of exclusion in many of the booths too. The RBK booth had a huge video screen and you had to walk around that and a display wall to enter the booth. With NBH, you could only see the skates in front, everything else required you to enter through a door in the wall. Warrior had black curtains entirely around their booth with a single entrance and 10 staffers in the doorway. Anyway, on to the products.


Gone is the Torchlite but the Torch continues to have a 60 day warranty. A Lidstrom curve has been added to the Torch OPS and tapered blade lineup. The Medalist is similar to the 2004 Torch OPS that I loved for the fantastic and it's $99 for the senior. Paint jobs changed on the wood sticks and the 3000 is gone from the catalog. They also introduced three new composite goal stick designs including one with stars and stripes for those patriotic US players. There is also a new foam core stick coming out that is extremely light. They also rolled out a new nylon version of the torch gloves that is very comfy.


A lot of carryover from last year from DR. Some new goal gear at the low and mid-end. There is also a new top-end goal pad from them that has a very interesting new design. The Quantum has a leg channel that is like a sleeve and can be removed from the pad entirely. Since I'm not a goalie I really have no idea if this concept is good, bad or just different but it is at least interesting to me.


Lots of new import product with split fingers and inserts as well as import prices. As you can all see in the catalog, Eagle rolled out a lot of new product.


There were some sub-shells from the composite skates on display and you could really see the changes made to the Synergy skate. Hopefully the third try is the charm for them with the 1500 skate. The 1200 isn't quite as flexible in the ankle as the 1500 but has a bit more fiberglass in the mix. There is also another model ( IO don't recall right now) that has fiberglass instead of carbon as the main component in the sub-shell. For $275 or so it brings that technology to a much lower price point than ever before.


The shift two was on display and looks to be as nice as the shift one, but taller. This skate really makes it possible for people who can't adapt to a lower cut boot to get the benefits of Kor technology. They have also purchased their own manufacturing facility that will not require them to ship product from asia.

Mission Itech:

We've all seen and discussed the new Fuel skates, both the AG and XP. The Intake is nice but you have to actually wear it to really feel any benefit. They new titanium cage is just insanely light, but you will pay for that ($). The new visor that you have seen in the CHL is significantly lighter than the HX50. It comes in two versions and both are plastic. Fuel protective is a refinement of the mission M series, slight changes and nothing earth shattering. I liked the "Pimp my Mask" stuff they had for goalies. They rolled out some cages with I2 technology and not just black and white as well. The new Axis OPS will be $69 US for a senior stick, an amazing price.


Montreal distributes Tackla in the US, Vaughn distributes Tackla in Canada and has a different product line. The new Montreal sticks with the nano-tech are pretty interesting and very expensive. They are switching their stiffness ratings to the standard 85-100-110 type numbers that all of the big guys are using. There is a new version of the silver series pants and a new girdle out this year. The styling and graphics are a bit more "euro" on the silver pant lining and the outside of the girdle. The new Nano goal stick is lighter than any of the other comp goal sticks I've seen and they said Marty Biron tried one and ordered a dozen. Keep an eye on pics to see if he makes the switch.

Nike Bauer:

One90 skate looks like it has potential. I couldn't try it on because of my brick shaped feet but I actually like the look of the skate. The XXXlite pants are a cross between a girdle and a pant, but different from the RBK 8k. The one90 glove is very close fitting, like some of the older Nike models. There were also a lot of custom color XXs on display and the options are impressive. I believe the number mentioned was 32 different combinations. Evan, nice to meet you and thanks.


First look at the TF precision and TF Evolution (did Justin help name that one?). I was very impressed with the sticks, well balanced and pretty light. The Evo Pro glove is really nice, Pittard palm and PG1 styling. The pants are well put together and the red ones really stand out. The bags are sweet but I think the wheel bag needs to be a little bigger (inside joke), it's actually enormous.


Max 980 and Max Pro are both back and included is the new MaxFX glove. Think of goalie pads on the back of your hands. Patterns right now are Canada, US, Skeleton hand and Flames. There are also two new Heatseeker sticks in the lineup.


The pump skates and goal skates with replacement steel were the highlites. I hit the booth a little late on the first day and didn't spend a lot of time with the products.


Introduced a new stick that's going to come in cheaper than the Beemer and has a promotion coming up where you can get gloves or pants with the purchase of skates. It's a nice program as it actually has a benefit to dealers as well.


R2 and R2XN10 are both gone and replaced by the R2 Armor, same goes for the OPS versions. They're now both made in China as are all composite products other than the Adrenaline and Adrenaline Control. An Intrigue control (grip) has also been added to the line. 6 and 9 inch composite end plugs are also in the catalog. Also added was the Summit goal stick with a flat(ter) paddle. It's not perfectly flat but it has much less radius than other goal sticks, the theory being that it will allow for more true rebounds. Summit chest/arm protection has an interesting diamond shaped padding setup. The same technology was used in the new Adrenaline shoulder pads that were a late addition to the line and didn't make the catalog.


Warrior was the only manufacturer to have the same booth at both shows. It was dwarfed in Boston by the larger booths but it was the largest booth in Vegas. Other than a couple glass cases with stick displays and a couple stick racks there really wasn't anything to the booth. It was an extension of their marketing campaign to date, market the lifestyle and not the product. Nothing new to see or add that we haven't all talked about before.


Completely custom pads, made in the US with an 8 week turnaround time and priced like a mid-line pad. Good product, good premise and good people.

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The one thing that really struck me this year is that the show was a bit of a downer this year. Most of the manufacturers pumped out new product once the NHL season started and didn't have as much real new stuff at the show. Both shows were very lightly attended as well making them both a boit of a bummer as well. With word spreading that the Montreal show being moved to November to better suit the top buying groups, there was a real feeling that the shows were on the decline. Maybe it was also partly due to the air of exclusion in many of the booths too. The RBK booth had a huge video screen and you had to walk around that and a display wall to enter the booth. With NBH, you could only see the skates in front, everything else required you to enter through a door in the wall. Warrior had black curtains entirely around their booth with a single entrance and 10 staffers in the doorway. Anyway, on to the products.

I attended the Boston show on Saturday and Sunday. The venue was huge, clean, and brand spanking new. Given all the room on the floor for the vendors, I think it was impressive that they devoted so much space to displaying their product. Yes, the RBK showroom was oversized but this allowed for an awesome display of product with absolutely no clutter or pushing other dealers out of the way to see product. The extra large space in the showrooms(they were not booths!) made for a more relaxing feel to the show. With all this space, comes the feeling that no one is there at the show. Well, I believe that 10% of the vendors do 90% of the business and 10% of the dealers may also do 90% of the business. At the CSGA show in Montreal just 10 years ago, there would be dozens of wannabe LHSers roaming around trying to open accounts and get their foot in the hockey world door. The landscape has changed dramatically. The King Kong online guys eat up inventory, the big box guys buy low end in mass quantities, and most successful pro shops are the product of multiple rinks under the same name/owner. Hey JR, sound familiar? As a pro shop buyer for Ice House in NJ, I ran into the guys from Ice House of North Carolina. We had a laugh about sharing the same name. Then they explained they have pro shops in 6 rinks. So, there are 3 or 4 buyers for 6 pro shops instead of 12 buyers for 6 individually owned pro shops. This is the state of the business in 2006. The dealers may complain there is less traffic in the showrooms but there are less buyers overall in the industry.

I did not have a problem with the layout of RBK. As two of the

sponsors, RBK and Mission/Itech really went all out with a show of size and strength. RBK can afford to and M/I has to get attention. I also did not like the closed door concept of NBH. Whoever came up with that idea in setting up a showroom should be fired. The idea is to encourage dealers into your showroom, not selectively exclude them. While anyone could walk into NBH, it was never a comfortable feeling to see. And they had nothing to hide from anyone, so what was the point?

Jimmy from Noicings, it was nice to meet you on line Sunday morning! Jason from Salming, it was great to meet and greet an old time hockey salesman! You are taking what their giving 'cause you're working for a living! Thank you Huey Lewis.

I'll add some more later but my final thought and really the only problem with the show: the complete and total lack of show babes!! Maybe next year!!!!!!!

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I found it interesting that, at the end of the show, Pure Hockey bought up EVERYTHING from the big manufacturers.

We were right across from Easton and there had to have been 40-50 bags of gloves and skates, as well as 100-200 sticks from Easton....gone. Then I saw them go to TPS. They said they were buying from all the major vendors.

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Yeah, usually the closest big store does that...Behind the Mask has done that in Vegas for a few years now. Makes sense..get their stuff early, and the mfgrs give them a deal so they don't have to haul the stuff back.

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I saw those 2 guys on Sunday in the Vaughn showroom. Little did I know the plan of attack they had in mind! Thanks for the info Jason. I guess they are one of the 10% I mentioned.

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I saw those 2 guys on Sunday in the Vaughn showroom. Little did I know the plan of attack they had in mind! Thanks for the info Jason. I guess they are one of the 10% I mentioned.

I made them promise that as soon as we become big, they're saving me the time of packing up. :lol:

I just don't know if my grandchildren will be around to see it..... ;)

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those 6 and 9 inch composite end plug are very very interesting, hope they dont sell it 20$... lol

Where is the show in monteal exactly?

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2 Time Zones, 3 days and not one mention of Jell-O or a buffet WTF kind of show was this??

The steak and lobster dinner at the awards show in Vegas was a nice touch by the Let's Play Hockey team.

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Who won those awards, btw?  Curious to see if they compare to ours.

Their awards were based on sales volume, not quality like ours. Hawk Hockey was best dealer, Vap 30 was best new product and I don't really recall the rest.

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6 and 9 inch composite end plugs are also in the catalog.

Any chance that TPS will be adding composite end plugs to the Adrenaline's similar to what Easton did with the SL and Stealth?

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As for some of the awards that we won:

Top Inline Hockey Company

Ice Hockey Product of the Year: The Pink Rebel Stick...That's right...Top Ice hockey product....

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As for some of the awards that we won:

Top Inline Hockey Company

Ice Hockey Product of the Year: The Pink Rebel Stick...That's right...Top Ice hockey product....

You've got to be kidding me.

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2 Time Zones, 3 days and not one mention of Jell-O or a buffet WTF kind of show was this??

I forgot to mention that; sorry Jimmy!

We go over to "the spot" and for the second year in a row, no Jell-O! I'm like..."WTF?!?!?!"

So, we decided that Gelato will be its replacement. Not shabby, but, not Jell-O. The rest of the buffet was stellar as usual. It's become a tradition for us, especially taking one retailer.


Best Breakfast this Vegas show: Cheese Danish

Never had lunch, so, nothing doing there

Best dinner this Vegas show: Ruth's Chris

Best after dinner drink: Red Bull Vodka

Best thing about the entire trip: Brought the wife with me and instead of being away for 6 nights, I'm only away 2. See ya tonight hunnie :D

I'll be there next year to throw down with you and Witten...

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As for some of the awards that we won:

Top Inline Hockey Company

Ice Hockey Product of the Year: The Pink Rebel Stick...That's right...Top Ice hockey product....

You've got to be kidding me.

There were five ice awards, five inline awards and five lax awards.

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Okay, that's understandable. Probably best she doesn't come anyway, I can see an "Indecent Proposal" situation come up when I go down 50 large to some guy named "The Fish." Assuming it's in Vegas again, at least.

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I saw those 2 guys on Sunday in the Vaughn showroom. Little did I know the plan of attack they had in mind! Thanks for the info Jason. I guess they are one of the 10% I mentioned.

I made them promise that as soon as we become big, they're saving me the time of packing up. :lol:

I just don't know if my grandchildren will be around to see it..... ;)

As long as you don't forget the "little guys" who helped put your name on the map! If I'm correct, didn't PH kick your rep out saying they were not interested in Salming? Hmmmm?

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Gelato..ok..i can live with that..can't say I've never brought the woman to the show...but hey I spent 180 days on the road last year..but I'd never leave msgs for her on MSH..its like the last Men's Club I have!!

oh yeah..no better breakfast in Vegas than the Peppermill...(Sahara/LV Blvd)

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