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Super Bowl

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Now that the Play offs are at the Conference Finals, and the upsets, who are you taking to win the Super Bowl?

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Steelers and Seahawks

Steelers win it all capping off Jerome Bettis' career with a Super Bowl ring in his hometown of Detroit.

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Denver beats Carolina.

fully agree. seattle winning one playoff game is cause for celebration, the world might stop if they win a second.

and denver was easily the second best team in football, now that the colts are out they're set.

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Pittsburgh and Carolina

steelers win it :D

Must agree there.

Pittsburgh's going all the way.

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Pittsburgh and Carolina

steelers win it  :D

Must agree there.

Pittsburgh's going all the way.

I can honestly say that I won't watch any Steeler games. Watching a team run the ball 37 times and pass 3 in the second half just isn't entertainment to me.

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That'd be a great Super Bowl match up with two AFC teams in it...

He could just be picking the conference championship game...

thats what im sayin as long as pitts is in the super bowl and wins i dont care who they play

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Pittsburgh and Carolina

steelers win it  :D

Must agree there.

Pittsburgh's going all the way.

I can honestly say that I won't watch any Steeler games. Watching a team run the ball 37 times and pass 3 in the second half just isn't entertainment to me.

Well, chances are you'll only have to deal with that one more week, then there will be a pretty exciting superbowl.

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Okay, sorry for not adding this into my first post, but I really wasn't sure who I wanted at the time.

I'm saying it'll be:

Seahawks vs. Steelers

With the Stealers winning to finish a great career(Jerome Bettis)

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Denver vs Carolina

Panthers win

I second that....The Panthers are banged up pretty good, but I still think they can pull it out.....Denver does have a very strong team though.....Either way its some great match-ups this weekend

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Time for some random score guesses that will likely be incorrect.

Seattle vs. Carolina=Seattle Victory: 28 to 17.

Denver vs. Pittsburgh=Denver Victory: 38 to 20.

Super Bowl: Denver vs. Seattle=Denver Victory: 45 to 24.

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Pittsburgh and Carolina

steelers win it  :D

Must agree there.

Pittsburgh's going all the way.

I can honestly say that I won't watch any Steeler games. Watching a team run the ball 37 times and pass 3 in the second half just isn't entertainment to me.

Well, chances are you'll only have to deal with that one more week, then there will be a pretty exciting superbowl.

I'll probably end up reffing a game during the superbowl again.

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Wow, Denver will never win anything meaningful again. Shanahan really does need to stick to managing the personnel.

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