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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are you going to be?

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I was just wondering what those of you that are in college or younger, are thinking about being when you are older. For myself I want to become a sports medicine doctor.

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One piece of advice I might give is don't worry whether you change your mind over time.

I was dead set on wanting to go into politics when I was ten-years-old, so I took political science in college and started to realize my dreams didn't match up with the reality. I'm not the only person who was in that that position, but I know others who almost felt like they were cheating themselves to admit they'd rather be an artist than their lifelong dream of being a vet.

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Working towards my masters in Civil Engineering, specializing in structural. Probably gonna throw in the 2 years of work right after I finish and get my MBA before heading off into industry.

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tokes, what kind of work would you be doing when you're completed your education. Probably a dumb question but what does a civil engineer do?

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  tokes said:
Working towards my masters in Civil Engineering, specializing in structural. Probably gonna throw in the 2 years of work right after I finish and get my MBA before heading off into industry.
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Drop the masters (Unless you are wanting to teach) I have a assoc. in civil and work as a structural designer/eng. for 9 years. I do/know more than the guy that has a masters in our office. (Nothing beats exp. ) Of course you could really like school, then by all means go at it. This Job drives people crazy.

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  Nacho said:
tokes, what kind of work would you be doing when you're completed your education. Probably a dumb question but what does a civil engineer do?
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Design roads, Infrstucture, Bridges, Subdivision grading, Foundations for buildings etc.....

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Unless someone is paying you to get your MBA go get a job and after a few years your company will be more than willing to pay the obscene tuition costs for an MBA. I entered work right after my BS in EE and am now working on an MS in EE which my company is paying for before I take the class. If I get a C or lower, I have to pay them back. Not a bad deal.

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I'm about to take a Civil Engineering course so I'd like for those who's taken it or is currently taking it... is it hard?

My dream is to be a pro hockey player or a drummer for a signed band :-P

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It's honestly not a big deal to be unsure of your careers. I'd like to go into teaching at this point, but I have switched a few times. Early on I wanted to go into engineering (not sure which area), but switched to Political Science (to get into Law school) once I got my acceptance letters. After a year of that, I definately decided it wasn't for me, and am currently working on my Hon. Ba w/ minor in Math and Stats. Even now I am considering chaning majors to Cultural Studies and Critical Thinking.

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Only in grade 11 now but as of now I plan on doing something related to accounting, doing a co-op for it next semester. If I don't like that and really enjoy my law class maybe I will do something with that instead.

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  McCabe24 said:
Only in grade 11 now but as of now I plan on doing something related to accounting, doing a co-op for it next semester. If I don't like that and really enjoy my law class maybe I will do something with that instead.
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That's a good choice to do a Co-Op before University. I was all set to go into Fire fighting until I co-op'ed as at a local Steel Factory.

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Don't ever worry guys, cause who you are at 18 is not likely to be who you are at 25/30 etc..

Me, I went to UofA for Phys Ed, but want nothing to do with it. Now I"m goin back to do a BComm at 27. Truthfully I am totally unsure of what aspect of Business I want to head into, but again let things happen and don't waste time in your life worrying.

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  2-Keys said:
i hate when people ask me this question!!!

im not really sure what i want to do but im thinking about dentistry

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Make sure you know that you want to do this before you commit to it. I'm in the midst of dental school interviews right now and it's a tough road to get in. It's a bit easier in the US than Canada, based on # spots/# applicants, but if you want to do this figure it out early and then work very very hard to have the best application file you can. As an example, at UBC there's about 400 applicants, and 40 spots are available. Usually to get in, you have to be in about the top 5-10% of your undergraduate class, and have a fairly nice extracurricular life going on as well. However, dentistry is about the sweetest profession you can go into IMHO. I hadn't decided between med and dent up until a few weeks ago, so it looks like I'm going to have some medical school interviews that I can just have some fun in, lol!

In all seriousness though, try and get some idea of what you're interested in before you dive into university and start spending money and time just for the sake of doing something. There's nothing wrong with taking a little time to go out and get some life experience.

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  2-Keys said:
i hate when people ask me this question!!!

im not really sure what i want to do but im thinking about dentistry

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same thing with me, it pisses me off when people ask this question. I'll do something for sure but I'll still be the same person.

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Taking advantage of co-op opportunities is a wise choice. I just finished paying off a huge student loan a few years ago and a co-op program would've really helped alleviate the need for a loan. The co-op programs sometimes take longer as they often alternate school terms with work terms, but I believe they're worth it and if I had to go back and do it again I would've taken advantage of a co-op program. A friend of mine took a co-op program and he ended up finishing school with next to no debt and had also gained a lot of experience which allowed him to land a job almost right away. Many students finish their degrees, but then have a difficult time landing a job in their field unless they have connections as they have little to no work experience. I was lucky enough to get an internship after university which led to a contract position that lead to a full time job, but I know others who have struggled with lower paid work in fields not related to their chosen field of study for quite some time because they lacked relevant work experience/connections in that field. In that same vien internships are another great avenue to explore. The experience can help you get a job later and can also help you decide if you really like that field afterall.

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I got a degree in computer science and my wife has a degree in nursing administration. Neither of us work in the fields we graduated for. Life does not follow a specific course but if you have a plan on where you want to end up then that helps. I think so many people plan to be this or that and then find out they don't like it. I have friends who have gone through getting their medical and legal degrees to not use them when they were done.

If/when I have kids, this is what I will tell them:

1) What do you love to do?

2) Can you make a good living doing that? If yes then do it. If no, #3

3) If not, what can you do to get to the point where you can not work as quickly as possible?

4) Do that, retire early and enjoy the rest of your life doing what you love.

I wish I had that mindset when I was 18...

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I'm in my first year of general sciences at the University of Alberta, hopefully going into sports med in a few years, but I've always been interested in what it takes to be an R & D guy for a company like Easton, TPS etc... anyone know what sort of degree they would want you to have or anything that would lead into that area?

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Im in grade 10 and I still have no clue. Im basically just taking academic/university courses just to keep all my doors open to when I finally decide on something.

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I'm thinking of law enforcement. Right now I'm taking basic courses in college. Not sure about my major, but it will probably be something relating to business/accounting.

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