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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How is you personal season going?

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As stated in the name....

I feel i'm having a much better season than i expected. In the 3 age groups i'm playing in i have surpassed (sp?) all my own expectations.

In the 16's i am playing utility but mainly foreward and hoping for 30 points, 19's defence i was hoping for 15, and adults was just hoping to get asked to play! I know it is not all about you own points, but i feel i have contributed to my junior teams, especially 16s as we are now pushing for the title and promotion. I had a certain expectation of myself which i feel i have met, geting the points i was hoping for over the whole season in just half. And now trying to raise my own bar.

These are the links to the team stats... Im Nick Alley




How do you feel you are doing? Are you happy with your performance? Also in which leagues are you playing in?

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My season has been pretty much sh!t. 3 goals 6 assists 32PIM. Got promoted to assistant captain after one went down with shoulder problems, did a okay job according to my coach. Now our captain is out after crashing feet-first into the boards( broken ankle, torn ligament).

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I'm not doing as well as exprected for Midget Minor B. I was expected by my coaches to get 100 points this season...being one of the best on the team. But it hasn't turned out that way. I have 14 goals, 15 assists...10 penalty minutes or so...and I'm a distant second on the team. Team mate has 100 points, and it was expected to be a scoring race between us two.

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Varsity roller hockey just started up we played 2 games and ive scored 1 goal and our team is 2-0 so im pretty happy with that. I got screwed out of playing ice this year so i wont have any thing for ice intill middle of march when spring leauge starts up.

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I only have a goal and 6 assists but I got moved to defense 5 games ago for the first time in my life, and since then we are 2-1-2 after being 1-13-1 prior to the line juggling our team did.

Oh and if your playing midget minor b and they want you to get 100 points, you shold probobly move up a level or 2.. :angry: <_<

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Oh and if your playing midget minor b and they want you to get 100 points, you shold probobly move up a level or 2.. :rolleyes: <_<

Yeah...I though I was going to be A this year, until I found out my coach from last year went around to other coaches telling them not to pick me because I dislocated my knee last season and my knees are messed up...so I kinda got screwed...two more knee injuries this season haven't helped

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pretty much knew my season was going to hell before it even started, considering we dont have a single senior on the team because we just opened a new highschool this year and they kept all the seniors at the old highschool...point leader on the team by one point, almost all my points come from assists though because noone on my team can get a decent pass off to me, only time i get a good chance to score is when i take it all the way myself...oh well shit happens

btw i play varsity highschool hockey...captain too :rolleyes:

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varsity hs roller team

expected to get a few goals but it just aint coming

im a grinder/playmaker

assists are going well

got like 7-8 in 4 games

1 goal on the season

all around good defense

so lil sub par on goals but everything else is a bit above expectations

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Well, lets see. My varsity high school team is doing a lot better than i expected because we lost 11 seniors last year but we are still like 16-3 somehow. I'm in tenth grade and i guess since i have experience from being on the team last year, my coach gave me the A this year. I dont know what my points are (don't really pay attention to that kind of stuff) but im doing better than i expected. Hopefully the rest of the season goes smooth.

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Points wise, it's not really impressive (17 Games - 4G, 14A, 2PIM)I thought I wouldn't have been a good defenseman this season, with my usual position being C or LW but damn! I've taken down every forward in 1 on 1 situations. I love it!

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I am not on a team :angry:

But I do keep track of my organized pickup games, as they are *kind* of like a team since we keep the same sides each week as much as possible. I only started keeping track in January so that I could watch my improvement this year.

My side is 0-2-2, I have 3 goals and 2 assists out of a total of 8 goals for my side. No PIM :lol:

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Mines going pretty well. In the preseason I was kicking butt with 11 goals and 5 assists in about 8 games. Then as the season started I started to cool down and didn't have a point after the first 5 games. Then I scored 2 goals and an assist in one game. After that I went cold again, then scored an empty net goal (I know, I know) and started playing well again. The next game I got a goa and 3 assists. So its been very up and down this year, but considering I didn't register a point last year because i played a total of 3 games, I'm doing pretty well

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I can honestly say I have no idea. I went a few games without points but I also had a game with 1g 3A and another with 2g 2a. It has to be better than a point a game on average. Not too bad for a defenseman.

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im not doing as well as i had hoped only thing im proud of is the amount a PIMS, im keeping them down this year un-like Miike :P

0G 2A 24PIMS in 33 games.

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My season would of probably been doing alot better if we wouldnt of got a new coach this year, who didnt know what he was talking about..But anyways, I'd like to be doing alot better, with 6 goals and ??? assists (probably alot though). I'm a D-man BTW.

I had 8 goals on my last team I was a first year, but this year, it looks like I'll end up with 6, cause the season is about to be over(playing first place team in the second round of playoffs next weekend). I can't keep track of my assists, or PIM....lets just say alot of PIM and alot of Assists?


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