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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Sherwood OPS?

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Spezza is a popular curve around here. Dont see many Crosbys around me, but what do us Nova Scotians know? Dont see many of the OPS though.

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a nice Sherwood OPS that one of my teammates had was an RM7 and couple have the Momentums which they like and all in Coffey curves

Yeah same here, I have one with a pro lidstrom, its a weapon!

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Most people like the Sherwood price-point sticks around here. The RM7 is pretty popular and there's a white one too (May be the old one) that both sell pretty well. Crosby and Spezza are all thats available for them, and the Crosby is semi-important. I find people who look at the Crosby curve, generally won't buy it, but if they look at the name, it makes them think twice.

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I think I am the only person who uses the Coffey curve.. its a bananna..

[singing] This Sh*t is banannas.. b....a.....n.a.n.a.s. [/singing]

I love how whippy my wristshots are with it.. It makes up for my sorry slapshot.

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i highly doubt ure the only personwho usesa coffey curve

Not many people do.. I get ridiquled at practice because of it..

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A lot of people around here use them. They learn poor shooting technique when they're young and need the crutch.

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A lot of people around here use them. They learn poor shooting technique when they're young and need the crutch.

Either that.. or they play right wing and need to have fast wristshots :rolleyes:

I take maybe 1 or 2 slapshots a game.. and most of the time, they are just to dump it into my LW off the rebound.

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the js pattern is joe sakic, its my favorite

What does this have to do with the topic?Please realize what you are typing before you post.

Anyways, The Momentum RM7 is a nice stick.I tried one out and like it alot,If only i could find one in a Crosby Pattern.For S-W patterns the Coffey and Speeza seem to be popular around here.

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the js pattern is joe sakic, its my favorite

What does this have to do with the topic?Please realize what you are typing before you post.

Jimmy asked what pattern in Sherwood that people like. While pldhockey4 got the two letter abbreviation incorrect (the Sakic pattern is SA for Sherwood) he was speaking in regard to the topic.

Try not to have such a big chip on your shoulder.

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I think the Leclair is the perfect curve. A classic mid curve that should be popular but it isn't. I just bought a OPS with a coffey curve. It's like an Yzerman with a slight open curve. Sherwood doesn't come out with it too much. Yeah, everything is Crosby or Coffey for sherwood it seems.

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