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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Funny sale today

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So I make my first sale at Summit today -

Guy walks in with his wife...goes to the skate wall and asks one of the employees about us sharpening a pair of skates off the wall and having his kid skate in them to decide if he likes them. I walk over there and I look at him and go "This is going to be fun..."

I step in and tell him it's against store policy. He looks at my nametag and he starts to go "Well, I know a lot about skates and the cut of his Missions is making him lean back." I look at him and tell him, "I'm sure you do, but I can assure you I will fit him properly and get him squared away. Bring your son in."

I take my employee to the back room and go "You know who that is?" He says no, and I go "That's Mike Babcock, head coach of the Wings."

Got the kid in XXXs, watched him skate for a bit, then chewed the fat with Babcock for a while. Really nice guy.

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ok, I'm sorry, but don't you live/work in the Detroit area...shouldn't your employee know who the head coach of the local pro team is? I thought this was Hockeytown!!

Anyway, cool story meeting Babcock!

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I step in and tell him it's against store policy. He looks at my nametag and he starts to go "Well, I know a lot about skates and the cut of his Missions is making him lean back." I look at him and tell him, "I'm sure you do, but I can assure you I will fit him properly and get him squared away. Bring your son in."

Cool Story...but I have a question...

Did you realize it was Babcock right away? or did it take a second. If you didn't know it was him, I understand the "...against policy". But, if you knew if was Mike....????

Maybe I'm just mis-reading it and look like a tool now!

btw...when you said he looked at your nametag...I thought you were going to say he recognized it from the site...THAT would have been trippy.

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I step in and tell him it's against store policy.  He looks at my nametag and he starts to go "Well, I know a lot about skates and the cut of his Missions is making him lean back."  I look at him and tell him, "I'm sure you do, but I can assure you I will fit him properly and get him squared away.  Bring your son in." 

Cool Story...but I have a question...

Did you realize it was Babcock right away? or did it take a second. If you didn't know it was him, I understand the "...against policy". But, if you knew if was Mike....????

Maybe I'm just mis-reading it and look like a tool now!

btw...when you said he looked at your nametag...I thought you were going to say he recognized it from the site...THAT would have been trippy.

Almost every pro player or coach I've ever met has always expected special treatment of some kind. Either major price breaks, free stuff or ass kissing.

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Kinda reminds me of a story that happened to me a month or so ago.

I go to my local rink to play pickup hockey and I am at the front desk signing in. I then here a little older lady arguing in French with what I thought was some guy.

Coming from a family who primarly lives in Quebec I could relate to the discussion and just looked at the guy and laughed as the woman reminded my of my grandmother. The guy just looked back at me smirked and shurgged his shoulders.

Took me a second to realize but it was Pierre Turgeon with may have been his mom having a discussion. I guess he was holding some sort of training session at the rink. Took me a while to figure out but it was pretty funny considering I got a dirty look from Emilo Estevez (SP?) a couple days earlier ... another long story :)

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I step in and tell him it's against store policy.  He looks at my nametag and he starts to go "Well, I know a lot about skates and the cut of his Missions is making him lean back."  I look at him and tell him, "I'm sure you do, but I can assure you I will fit him properly and get him squared away.  Bring your son in." 

Cool Story...but I have a question...

Did you realize it was Babcock right away? or did it take a second. If you didn't know it was him, I understand the "...against policy". But, if you knew if was Mike....????

Maybe I'm just mis-reading it and look like a tool now!

btw...when you said he looked at your nametag...I thought you were going to say he recognized it from the site...THAT would have been trippy.

Yep, that's what I said to myself "This is going to be fun."

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Took me a while to figure out but it was pretty funny considering I got a dirty look from Emilo Estevez (SP?) a couple days earlier ... another long story :)

Who was taller?

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Took me a while to figure out but it was pretty funny considering I got a dirty look from Emilo Estevez (SP?) a couple days earlier ... another long story :)

Who was taller?

Me but not by much.

I was in Santa Fe New Mexico walking on a sidewalk in the gallery area for those of you who know it. Narrow side walk that only fits two people. I notice some tall blonde bimb walking with a short guy with a long coat and jeans. My wife and I were walking side-by-side as well as we approached the couple the dink wouldnt yield to my wife. My wife and I then switched sides and he had to squirm by me and looked me in the eye about 4 inches from my face. My first thought in my mind was "EMILLIO!" He then proceed to give me a nasty look ... end of story :)

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I step in and tell him it's against store policy.  He looks at my nametag and he starts to go "Well, I know a lot about skates and the cut of his Missions is making him lean back."  I look at him and tell him, "I'm sure you do, but I can assure you I will fit him properly and get him squared away.  Bring your son in." 

Cool Story...but I have a question...

Did you realize it was Babcock right away? or did it take a second. If you didn't know it was him, I understand the "...against policy". But, if you knew if was Mike....????

Maybe I'm just mis-reading it and look like a tool now!

btw...when you said he looked at your nametag...I thought you were going to say he recognized it from the site...THAT would have been trippy.

Yep, that's what I said to myself "This is going to be fun."

Oh...I see.

And, I've learned something...I always figured the responce to a pro in the shop with an out of the ordinary request would be "yes sir, we can work someting out for you sir!".

Good on you guys who try to keep them humble.

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We had an exNHLer in our shop a lot the last few years. He helped coach his kid. Whenever he wanted equipment he felt I had to give him a discount since during his career everybody cut him a discount. "I would love to give you a discount but it is only for full-time employees and they check everything upstairs on the computers." He hated to hear me say it but he finally realized I wouldn't and couldn't give him a break. Sorry guys but when you don't own the shop, you really can't take a chance to do someone a favor that may cost you your job. Not unless after I get fired you are going to pay me more than I was making!

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Exactly the case. Every pro that I have ever dealt with in any of the stores I have worked at always expects something to be given to them...from free sharpenings to product.

Analog - I do not own the shop. It is a chain of shops in the area. I will be at a low-volume store as I will have other duties in the company as well.

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Why NHL players and coaches have to shop in a hockey shop??

Don't they have the rep lining up to give them free stuff to try?

Like Babcock's son, he would have a custom made skate from Mission easily.

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Why NHL players and coaches have to shop in a hockey shop??

Don't they have the rep lining up to give them free stuff to try?

Like Babcock's son, he would have a custom made skate from Mission easily.

I hardly think mission would give a rats ass about babcocks son.

Oh yes sir ill make your child skates?

correct me if im wrong though.

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Years ago I was at Cosby's, right outside of Madison Square Garden. For anyone that has never been there, the store only has two aisles. I was in one and my friend was in the other. I go to him in a regular voice, yo Tie Domi is in here, and my friend says loudly "who cares, he sucks anyway". at this point Domi was like 3 feet away from me. the look on Domi's face was priceless. He had this look of what did i do.

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When the NHLer's son plays Squirt B or Bantam AAA then NBH, RBK, etc could care less. Welcome to the real world. "Cash or credit card?"

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Almost every pro player or coach I've ever met has always expected special treatment of some kind. Either major price breaks, free stuff or ass kissing.

really?? I've had the exact opposite experience with them, a couple LA/ANA guys would come and get their kids fitted and never say a word about being in the show..and when the NYR guys would come into Chelsea..they were as laid back as can be..

I can definitely see that happening though, having had Pele' try to shake me down for a deal on a bunch of aggro skates..

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Apparently Lidstrom hangs out in the store all the time.

His son plays for Novi. Squirt AA this fall. He is just a nice as Babcock. Will sign anything you want and take picts too.

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I've been lucky on my end, the (seasoned/retired) pros i've delt with with along with other personalities have been really pleasant, nice, humble, low-key...its when you get the younger one's, who think they are the next big thing playing in the AHL, that think they are above everyone else that want the free stuff, and think they should get it.

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