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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your Injuries

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Broken fingers

Cracked ribs

concussions (totally lost my memory of the tournament on one of them)

hole torn in my intestine... that was bad!

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Dislocated collarbone is the only major injury ive had, played thru most of the sprains and stuff ive had so not major ones.

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-dislocated jaw

-concussions (2)

-broken wrist

-broken tailbone

-broken foot

-3 broken ribs

-broke forearm

-dislocated shoulder

And to think, I play girl's hockey.

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My worst hockey injury was a broken collarbone... which is a popular one. The worst one I've heard is a girl I know had her thumb severed off by a skate blade and then sewn back on!

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The very first official game I ever played in (7.5 years ago) I broke my tibia in 3 places, dislocated the ankle and tore the ligaments. Ended up with a temporary pin and a plate with 9 screws. Was back on the ice in 3 mos.

I've had 1 concussion while playing and this past fall I bruised my tibial plateau (sp?) when I fell with my leg underneath me. That one took a few months and 8 weeks of PT.

Other than than, the ocassional tweaked shoulder and today, well, due to a nicked blade, I landed on my kiester 3 times on the same hip bone and, well, let's just say sitting here at a receptionist job is not being much fun! LOL Probably didn't help that we were running with 3 "D" and one of us kept ending up in the penalty box! (not me).

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1. Torn secondary ligament in right shoulder,

2. Pulled groin couple of times,

3. last but not least strained neck muscles (whiplash)

4. Cracked tooth from elbow to the chin

The worst part is everyone of my injuries is with NO contact involved

1 - slapshot catching too much ice with a 110 flex stick tring to kill my buddy in net from the blue line first time in net.

2 - groin went down on one knee to block shot when I got up pain in groin, there for the rest of the year.

3 neck strain cutting acroos ice full speed tried to intercept pass with left skate as right skate caught edge hit the ice real hard. But we won the tournament.

4. 3 game suspension for open ice hit in non contact league ( the guy who chinned me)

MY favorite from above is the pubic strain wht is that, "pulling to hard to the right"

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I have broken a few fingers and do have some pretty partial teeth. Nothing major yet.

We were doing some drills once at a practice where I lost an edge and seperated my shoulder that screwed up the rotator cup(sp). I got pretty mad with that just cause it wasn't a game.

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torn acl

hip flexor


3 seprated shoulders

broke all my fingers

cracked or broke 7 ribs

the staff at the local er knew me on a first name basis.

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i know i'm bringing back an old topic but i had to share.

a guy on my high school team was messing around in the locker room before a game, slipped and cut his toe on a skate blade. After being turned away from two clinics, because the doctors saw a nerve end hanging out, he ended up in the E.R. Final verdict was 17 stitches and a cut tendon. All before the game even started.

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I might be spelling it wrong, but I think it's called spodololysis...

Fancy word for stress fracture in a vertebre. Other than that a broken thumb and pinky. Been pretty lucky.

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Only thing worth mentioning was when my defense gave me a suicide pass towards my blue line and I got Umberger'd by some dude on the other team. The funny thing was I blacked out for a split second a popped right back up like a spring. Then I went to the dock later that night because I had a horrible headache and was way tired for no reason and it was a concussion.

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One thing I did when I was a kid was to take a couple years of judo instruction. Judo is basically guys throwing you thru the air and you landing in various odd positions on the mat. They teach you how to spread the force over a larger portion of your body.

It might be my imagination, or maybe not, but ever since I have not gotten hurt in all sorts of train-wreck falls/checks,etc. I retained the muscle memmory so that I do not land in odd ways with a hand or leg akimbo. Just a thought.

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Torn Pubis Symphisis (it's the soft tissue that connects your left and right hip), and multiple groin muscle strains/sprains. All of this from the same accident = got tripped up at full speed by the goalie on a breakaway and I flew into the boards.

Torn hip labrum and general osteo-arthritis in the hip. My doc says a hip replacement/resurfacing is not far off in my future.

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Broke my leg a couple summers back. When I showed up to work on crutches my boss about had a cow. I'm in sales and I need to be presentable but geez man...it gave me one more thing to talk about with clients.

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I got slashed right in the mouth. The guy was trying to stick check me and lets just say he missed. He snapped one tooth off right at the gum line. It happen at midnight, So I couldn't get to a dentist until the next day around noon. I had the nerve exposed so if I breathed or drank anything and it hit the tooth it felt like a needle shooting into my head. And yes I wear a mouth guard now.

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I'll only list the major ones in the past five years:

broken collarbone

broken femur

torn MCL

pelvic avulsion

broken R wrist

broke R wrist again, resulting a permanent titanium plate and six screws

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dislocated kneecap. dislocated shoulder. strained rotator cuff. fractured funny bone. broke ulna and radius in half and shattered wrist. broken ankle. that was in football. only been playing hockey for a little over a year but had 1 injury: broken ankle and lateral tear of achilles tendon. kind of sidney crosby'd it into the corner feet first.

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Had a bad season for injuries this year: Sprained right wrist (hyperextended the ligaments pretty badly)and a broken right wrist.

here's the rest not from this year

2 concussions

pulled my groin 4 maybe 5 times

sprained my ankle numerous times

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Stick blade up under the visor = 17 stitches on the right cheek.

I broke my right ankle right before thanksgiving on those damn inline skate thingies.

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