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Friction Tape

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I've been using frction tape since I started playing hockey, but I've noticed that few people I play with use it...what's the deal? I figured maybe it's time I try regular black cloth. Anyone have any opinions regarding frction tape vs. cloth tape? Which/how many pros use friction tape?

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me too, one layer of friction tape. After I tape the blade, I rub a puck over it to make it a little less sticky. It's nice because it's a little thicker and doesn't get ripped as easy too.

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No on friction tape, but yes on grip tape. I really like the grip tape as it is easier to hold, and I dislike putting the "rolled up tape/finger grips" on the butt end.

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I tried using that power flex tape and everytime i got of the ice i had to pull the glove off the handle and it completely ruined my gloves i had to buy new ones so i have been afraid to try friction tape again whats a good brand that wont mess with my gloves?

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I found that my gloves made short work of powerflex tape as it would be all wispy and fuzzy after a game and not providing much in terms of improved grip over regular hockey tape.

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I used to use powerflex tape and, like Reaper said, it didn't do much. I liked the added grip at first, but after a short period of time the grip would come off and get all over my palms. The little chunks of grip were a pain to remove.

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I used to use powerflex tape and, like Reaper said, it didn't do much. I liked the added grip at first, but after a short period of time the grip would come off and get all over my palms. The little chunks of grip were a pain to remove.

Maybe it's the brand you guys are using? From what I read on the retail web sites they say Renfrew is the best but who knows. What kinds did you guys use that sucked?

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I've been using frction tape since I started playing hockey, but I've noticed that few people I play with use it...what's the deal? I figured maybe it's time I try regular black cloth. Anyone have any opinions regarding frction tape vs. cloth tape? Which/how many pros use friction tape?

I only use friction if the blade has a really hard feel. It can add a little cushion and soften the blade a bit. If the blade is fine, then I use cloth tape.

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Is friction tape the preferd choice used to candy cane the shaft for a better grip?

I use friction tape on blades for the same reasons Chad mentioned. I wouldn't use it for candy cane tape jobs, as I'm sure it can't be good for the palms of your gloves.

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I have a Red Wings pro stock shaft and there is friction tape on the butt end in red.. Nice n grippy

That would be powerflex grip tape. It's a lot more like a open weave than the black tar/rubber/goo that it friction tape.

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I have a Red Wings pro stock shaft and there is friction tape on the butt end in red.. Nice n grippy

That would be powerflex grip tape. It's a lot more like a open weave than the black tar/rubber/goo that it friction tape.

Yes..that is correct..I have a tendency to call both of them friction tape, but yeah it is a powerflex type tape around the butt end.

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get "jaybird" brand grip tape. way better than renfrew! the renfrew gets all icky after 2 games. and if you leave your sticks in the car. the heat makes the tape like glue. jaybird is a dry co-adhesive. very high quality. ive gone 2 months with the same tape and all it did was get dirty.

and friction tape a way to heavy and thick....

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