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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thin Cylinder shaped butt-ends?

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Anyone know what they are? I see Martin St. Louis using something like that and I was wondering what it was.. or is it just a regular butt end that's been shaved?

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Us tiny hand folk either have to shave our butts (that doesn't sound right) or play with intermediate sticks. My Sherwood Momentum is intermediate.

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I like to use a thicker than normal handle on my shaft. I find that it allows my hand to relax more from holding the stick, and more muscle recruitment goes into generating force into shooting or passing.

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I sell shaved ones in my store.

Anyone ever see shaved / wheelbarrow wood plugs in a Toronto / Canada store? Would be interested in trying it. JR, are the ones in your store just thinner, or do they taper towards the top - does your store ship for something like that?

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it's real easy to do yourself, I've done it a couple of times. I usually start out by cutting some wood off the corners with a razor blade, and then sand it all out smooth and round. I usually taper it down a bit up top.

I believe TPS also mades a pro radius (rounded) composite plug.

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I can't remember where but I've seen them sold online. St Louis shaves his down quite a bit, but he also looks like he wears 12.5-13" gloves.

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