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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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This weekend we have been running a Peewee and Bantam AAA minor tourney with the out-of-town teams getting their skates sharpened and of course, not having a clue.

#1. The customer comes back to complain that his son's skates were sharpened incorrectly. "You guys checked off 9/16" hollow on the sharpening ticket. That's not what I want." "Sir, we don't have a 9/16" box to check off on the ticket." "Yes, I saw it." "No, our ticket only designates what kind of sharpening, hockey, figure, goalie, hand finish, or 1st time." "Well, this is wrong." "Ok, what do you want?" "Deeper." "OK." He leaves, we start to do the skates at 1/2", standard in the shop. Halfway through he comes back and we tell him we are almost done. He says, "you're doing them at 7/16" like I asked right?" So now, we just start all over again .......

#2. Well, now his buddy is also an instant expert. It's my turn to get him at the counter. The skates are done but not El Perfecto for him. "Look you missed that, you missed this." "Well, sir, one of these nicks is a pretty deep along the edge. It would take a bit of sharpening to get it out." "Well, why didn't you do it?" "I could do it but I may heat up the steel too much and effect the temper of the blade." (Temper goes right over his head.)"Well, I want a lighter hollow" "What is a lighter hollow, sir? I deal in numbers." "uh, uh." "It's 1/2. Do you want 7/16?" "No, deeper." "You want 3/8"? Do you realize how deep that is? Do you have any idea what it's like to go from 1/2" right to 3/8"?" "uh, uh." "How about 7/16?" "OK."

As much as some knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands, parents should get an information package on skate hollows and what we do when sharpening skates when they buy skates. Our regular customers/travel hockey players and parents understand what we do in our shop. We see them all the time. It is surprising how little others know even when their kid plays at the AAA level.

Today are the semi's and championship games. I can't wait.

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We had a good one yesterday with a guy who after buying skates has become more and more of a hassle.

We had a guy come in a couple weeks ago buy a pair of One90's with only minor issues [i.e. skate uncomfortable because it was brand new] he was understanding when we told him there is a natural break in time. That's where everything went downhill, he had skated on the LS2 Power steel once for 10 minutes [he said that, not me assuming] and hated it, okay we said what would you like to do? He asks for the regular LS2 steel and holder to be put on, we do that and when he comes to pick that up he gets angry that we charged him for the swap. He thought it was free because it was still a new skate, we explained to him that there is still a charge for parts and labor. He leaves again and yesterday was the icing on the cake. We close at 5 on sundays [we have a nice large CLOSED sign that we make sure is up at 5] and yesterday around 5:15 as my boss is closing out and I'm vaccuuming this guy comes flying into the store asking if we're closed....

My Boss: What does the sign say?

Guy: Uh oh alright....so you can sharpen skates right?

My Boss: Well we usually shut the machine down around 4:45 to clean it and get it ready for tomorrow.

Guy: Cool so you wouldn't mind 2 pairs?

In the end...we sharpened his skates for him. We weren't happy about it but whatever.

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This weekend we have been running a Peewee and Bantam AAA minor tourney with the out-of-town teams getting their skates sharpened and of course, not having a clue.

#1. The customer comes back to complain that his son's skates were sharpened incorrectly. "You guys checked off 9/16" hollow on the sharpening ticket. That's not what I want." "Sir, we don't have a 9/16" box to check off on the ticket." "Yes, I saw it." "No, our ticket only designates what kind of sharpening, hockey, figure, goalie, hand finish, or 1st time." "Well, this is wrong." "Ok, what do you want?" "Deeper." "OK." He leaves, we start to do the skates at 1/2", standard in the shop. Halfway through he comes back and we tell him we are almost done. He says, "you're doing them at 7/16" like I asked right?" So now, we just start all over again .......

#2. Well, now his buddy is also an instant expert. It's my turn to get him at the counter. The skates are done but not El Perfecto for him. "Look you missed that, you missed this." "Well, sir, one of these nicks is a pretty deep along the edge. It would take a bit of sharpening to get it out." "Well, why didn't you do it?" "I could do it but I may heat up the steel too much and effect the temper of the blade." (Temper goes right over his head.)"Well, I want a lighter hollow" "What is a lighter hollow, sir? I deal in numbers." "uh, uh." "It's 1/2. Do you want 7/16?" "No, deeper." "You want 3/8"? Do you realize how deep that is? Do you have any idea what it's like to go from 1/2" right to 3/8"?" "uh, uh." "How about 7/16?" "OK."

As much as some knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands, parents should get an information package on skate hollows and what we do when sharpening skates when they buy skates. Our regular customers/travel hockey players and parents understand what we do in our shop. We see them all the time. It is surprising how little others know even when their kid plays at the AAA level.

Today are the semi's and championship games. I can't wait.

I always feel bad for the kids when their parents have no idea about their skates. Asking for the wrong hollow can completely mess their kid up on the ice. I skate at 1/2" and can't imagine going into a big game on with 3/8" out of the blue.

DarkStar, what tournament are you guys hosting? Last year we had the NY State Pee-wee finals. Some real good kids in that one.

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The tourney is put together by our hockey department. Our Peewee AAA are in Quebec right now. The Big Show will be April 2 to April 6. We are hosting USA Hockey National Championships for four levels, Peewee AAA and AA and Bantam AAA and AA. We will have 48 teams from around the country for Nationals. I am finishing the order today for the event t-shirts, hoody's, etc. The numbers are staggering. It will be a great event.

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The tourney is put together by our hockey department. Our Peewee AAA are in Quebec right now. The Big Show will be April 2 to April 6. We are hosting USA Hockey National Championships for four levels, Peewee AAA and AA and Bantam AAA and AA. We will have 48 teams from around the country for Nationals. I am finishing the order today for the event t-shirts, hoody's, etc. The numbers are staggering. It will be a great event.

I am saving those dates. I might have to cross the Hudson for that.

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Here's a good one -

There is this one guy who comes into our stores and he's just a hard-ass to deal with. First time I met him he talked about how bad one of our stores was (non-hockey store) because he bought some $49 pond skates to PLAY TRAVEL HOCKEY IN that were ripping up his kids' ankles and were full of blood. I played the good guy and took back his bloodied skates and got him a good deal on some Fuel 85s. Now you'd think that he'd be happy? Noooooooo...

We started up our membership/loyalty plan again. You pay an amount every year and you get a percentage off for the duration of the membership.

At our big store (the one I run) we have a clearance section now - non-members get 30%, members get 50%. Anyway, a few wks back the guy in question was back there and he asked us how to become a member. We told him and he came up front and his buddy Chuck comes up and says "Yeah, you should sign up, it's a good deal."

Guy leaves store, comes back and says "Can I use Chuck's membership?"

We say no. Emphasis is on WE.

He leaves. Comes back 5 min later. We're standing in the exact same spot - me next to the sharpener, Scott next to the register. Mind you, we KNOW who this guy is, we know his last name. He brings his items up and says "I have a membership, last name Phillips."

Once again we tell him he cannot use Chuck's membership. He groans and saves 30%.

Fast forward to today -

I'm not in so this is what the boys relayed to me.

Scott's working again. Guy goes back there with his kids - then leaves the kids and walks out. Kids come up with a Nalgene waterbottle.

Kids: "Do you have to have your membership card when you have to buy something?"

Scott: "No, it's in the computer."

Kids: "We have a membership, last name Phillips."

Scott: "Ok, Phillips. Chuck is the only name on the account....what's your address?"

Kids: "Address?"

Scott:"Yes, I need your address to verify that it is you."

Kids: "We don't know the address."

Scott: "You don't know your OWN ADDRESS?"

Kids walk out.

They come back with a BlackBerry.

They read what's on the screen - yes, Phillips' address.

Scott: "I need further identification. I need your dad to come in here."

Kids: "We'll take the 30%."

Guy's a total tool. I was working when it happened the second time.

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The tourney is put together by our hockey department. Our Peewee AAA are in Quebec right now. The Big Show will be April 2 to April 6. We are hosting USA Hockey National Championships for four levels, Peewee AAA and AA and Bantam AAA and AA. We will have 48 teams from around the country for Nationals. I am finishing the order today for the event t-shirts, hoody's, etc. The numbers are staggering. It will be a great event.

Sounds like a lot of sharpenings on its way. You better hope that ass-hat manager of yours doesn't chase away all the good help!! :D

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The tourney is put together by our hockey department. Our Peewee AAA are in Quebec right now. The Big Show will be April 2 to April 6. We are hosting USA Hockey National Championships for four levels, Peewee AAA and AA and Bantam AAA and AA. We will have 48 teams from around the country for Nationals. I am finishing the order today for the event t-shirts, hoody's, etc. The numbers are staggering. It will be a great event.

Sounds like a lot of sharpenings on its way. You better hope that ass-hat manager of yours doesn't chase away all the good help!! :D

Well, he may be calling in the hired gun to make a special guest appearance ;) :ph34r:

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The tourney is put together by our hockey department. Our Peewee AAA are in Quebec right now. The Big Show will be April 2 to April 6. We are hosting USA Hockey National Championships for four levels, Peewee AAA and AA and Bantam AAA and AA. We will have 48 teams from around the country for Nationals. I am finishing the order today for the event t-shirts, hoody's, etc. The numbers are staggering. It will be a great event.

Sounds like a lot of sharpenings on its way. You better hope that ass-hat manager of yours doesn't chase away all the good help!! :D

When we've had tournaments we've been pretty dead. We find that most kids have come with their skates already sharpened, so there aren't too many to do. Maybe 1 or 2 before a game, unlike our men's league games where there's usually 5-6 per game.

Basically, we're dead during the game which is followed by all the parents and kids coming in and looking at things until the next game starts. We've done t-shirts and hats and they haven't sold either.

Hope you guys have better luck.

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a little boy had an accident while trying on equipment at my store. That didn't bother me, things like that are going to happen. What repulsed me was when his mom tried to hand me his urine soaked boxers to put in a bag. I wouldn't take the boxers and instead I handed her a bag to put them in and she got mad at me! She started to bitch me out (we were really busy) and I cut her off and said"mam I don't have time to argue with you about why I didn't want to touch your sons piss soaked underwear, is there anything else related to hockey equipment I can do for you", and she just stormed out of the store. A week later she was back and acted like nothing happened.

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a little boy had an accident while trying on equipment at my store. That didn't bother me, things like that are going to happen. What repulsed me was when his mom tried to hand me his urine soaked boxers to put in a bag. I wouldn't take the boxers and instead I handed her a bag to put them in and she got mad at me! She started to bitch me out (we were really busy) and I cut her off and said"mam I don't have time to argue with you about why I didn't want to touch your sons piss soaked underwear, is there anything else related to hockey equipment I can do for you", and she just stormed out of the store. A week later she was back and acted like nothing happened.

Yeah... that's not just a hockey thing, it's a public reations thing.

If I shared all of my experiences (in all the types of retail) that I've been through, it would take a whole server. :lol: People really are strange at times.

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a little boy had an accident while trying on equipment at my store. That didn't bother me, things like that are going to happen. What repulsed me was when his mom tried to hand me his urine soaked boxers to put in a bag. I wouldn't take the boxers and instead I handed her a bag to put them in and she got mad at me! She started to bitch me out (we were really busy) and I cut her off and said"mam I don't have time to argue with you about why I didn't want to touch your sons piss soaked underwear, is there anything else related to hockey equipment I can do for you", and she just stormed out of the store. A week later she was back and acted like nothing happened.

Milk, milk, lemonade.....

Sounds like a lot of sharpenings on its way. You better hope that ass-hat manager of yours doesn't chase away all the good help!!

Well, he may be calling in the hired gun to make a special guest appearance ;) :ph34r:

:o Then I can't NOT stay. I have to be in the presence of greatness.

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Hey, Chris, it's 8:01 AM. WTF are you doing on MSH? The shop better be open and raring to go!!


Most kids tourneys are sharpenings and tape sales. However, the Nationals are a whole other ball game. I have the sales report of merchandise sold in Buffalo at last year's Nationals Super Site(4 age groups in one location). The number of t-shirts, hoodies, hats, etc. sold is ridiculous. Wednesday morning games start on all four rinks at 8 AM and run until 8-9 PM. It will be nuts.

The best tourney we have for shop sales and over-all atmosphere in the building is the NYFD 9/11 Remembrance Tourney. Over 30 teams have come in the past two Septembers for a 3 day event. The firemen from NY, Boston, Atlanta, Toronto, Phoenix and all over(also Hoboken, Chris) are the best. They have a great time, are great guys, and the top division has excellent hockey. BTW, I forgot to mention firemen like to drink beer after hockey, lots and lots of beer.

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From a parent/coaches point of view I buy souvineers at the prestige events, see most of our families do the same. If your kid gets to a national championship, Silver Stick final etc I'll reward them with hoodie, hat, etc. I bet many feel the same way, unless something really catches my eye we don't buy at 'regular' tourneys-the giveaways are enough.

Pet peeve, kids win-shops are closed. I know its a long hours but its frustrating for the finalists to see merchandise in closed pro shop, especially at a large tourney where your only at the main rink on the last day.

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One thing you missed.

You forgot to ask him if he needed a left- or right-handed cut. As I am sure all expert customers know, this what all NHLers do. If you have a left-handed cut, and the ice is warm, say 23 - 24+, then they skate faster counter clock wise. With a right handed- skate blade cut, on warmer ice, they would have to adjust to skate clock-wise, and make up for speed lost due to extra fricting.

This is whay each NHL team has a left-handed and a right-handed equipment tech.

My skates aren't sharp enough

What hollow do you use?

Deep cut

And what hollow is that?

Same thing the NHL guys use

Not everyone uses the same hollow at that level

Well I want a deep cut

ok, our "deep cut" is 3/8", that way if you need to adjust you now know the measurement

a week later the guy returns

My skates aren't sharp enough

You're 6'+ and over 225 pounds are you sure you want a deeper cut?

I want what the NHL guys use

(thinks to self, not this shit again. God, please strike me down right here and now)

And what hollow is that?

give me a quarter inch

(thinks to self: what a friggin idiot)

I'm sorry I won't do that, it's too dangerous for these ice conditions

But I'm the customer, you have to do what I say

it's also my responsibility to prevent you from injuring yourself

Fine, I'm going to the other shop to have them do it

Have a nice day

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What some of you should start doing is selling a "concave" profile setup for those bothersome customers. Being concave it's more like /-\ than \-/, toes and heels touch, middle of the blade doesn't.

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What some of you should start doing is selling a "concave" profile setup for those bothersome customers. Being concave it's more like /-\ than \-/, toes and heels touch, middle of the blade doesn't.

Word of mouth travels fast. Doing a botch job can ruin a shop's reputation. I would think it would be better to give them the fifth degree-

"I want my skates sharp"

"How sharp?"

"Like they use in the NHL!"

"OK... just like guys in the NHL?"

"Uhhh, whatever, just make them sharp"

Customer leaves on 5' radius, 1" hollow. That would be good.

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What some of you should start doing is selling a "concave" profile setup for those bothersome customers. Being concave it's more like /-\ than \-/, toes and heels touch, middle of the blade doesn't.

Word of mouth travels fast. Doing a botch job can ruin a shop's reputation. I would think it would be better to give them the fifth degree-

"I want my skates sharp"

"How sharp?"

"Like they use in the NHL!"

"OK... just like guys in the NHL?"

"Uhhh, whatever, just make them sharp"

Customer leaves on 5' radius, 1" hollow. That would be good.

LOL. If he complains tell him, "hey man, Paul Coffey skated like that in the NHL!"

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I hate when customers come in and ask to trade us their old or used shit for our new stuff. Some guy came in the other day and asked if we would trade him one datsuyk game used & autographed stick for two of our brand new 9K O sticks.

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I hate when customers come in and ask to trade us their old or used shit for our new stuff. Some guy came in the other day and asked if we would trade him one datsuyk game used & autographed stick for two of our brand new 9K O sticks.

Datsyuk sticks do go for over $400 at the Red Wings store.

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I hate when customers come in and ask to trade us their old or used shit for our new stuff. Some guy came in the other day and asked if we would trade him one datsuyk game used & autographed stick for two of our brand new 9K O sticks.

A guy came in with and asked us to fix his helmet. The shell was cracked, nothing I can do.

He asked if he could trade it in for a 5500.

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BUt how is he going to prove to us it is real?

If the guy was buying $400+ sticks from HockeyTown Auth., he shouldn't be having problems buying a $200 stick to use.

Unless he's one of those rare jokers in the Detroit area living beyond their means. :rolleyes:

Do stores even trade anything? I could see if you have a used gear section, but even PIAS has restrictions and limitations that are quite strict on trade-ins and whatnot.

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