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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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crazy curve

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i saw a easton andy delmore synergy, it was a normal mid curve ie. iggy or modano, but then at like three inches before the toe it curved like hard core, it was fugly

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The Leclair pro is crazy. It looks like two curves mixed into one or like it's broken. Someone posted a pic of it on here a while back. Maybe someone knows where it is.

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Muskoka Berry

I think it was Buzz's old boss's curve. It was about a 1" heel with a 70* wedge on it. Just a ridiculous curve. I should have bought one just to see how high I could shoot it, and so you could see it.

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EDIT:hitz14's pic

I think D.Sydor almost the same curve. I'll take a pic of his curve... Modin's curve is weird too and it's on a 10lb wooden stick!

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EDIT:hitz14's pic

thats what the delmore looked like in RH and a little more drastic :blink:

i bought a wood sherwood sop that looks just like that in rh. the name on it is mathieu. no idea who it is

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