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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the iceman

Iginla's Skates?

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Well, you can always look at Modano, with him using Reeboks during preseason, and just not being able to adjust. He's right back to tacks.

Ed Jovanovski has also been using the same style of CCM Tacks for years.

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Well, you can always look at Modano, with him using Reeboks during preseason, and just not being able to adjust.  He's right back to tacks.

Ed Jovanovski has also been using the same style of CCM Tacks for years.

Add Adam Foote to that list.

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Well, you can always look at Modano, with him using Reeboks during preseason, and just not being able to adjust.  He's right back to tacks.

Ed Jovanovski has also been using the same style of CCM Tacks for years.

Add Adam Foote to that list.

And Tomas Kaberle.

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Yea, but remember how many games he plays and practices on top of that. These pro guys can go though a pair of skates a lot faster than you or I would playing once or twice a week. Especially considering the level of play they are at. They put them though a lot more abuse than you or I would. Also consider they get the skates for free and can change them whenever they like if they endorse certain brands, no sweat off their brows. We have to actually pay for our skates and our hockey on top of that!

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... iginla also heavily endorsed nbh, both through his 0:45 training camps, and with his " i dont belive in luck" nbh comercials, which in fact asvertised the one90's... i hope he doesnt land himself in sponsorship trouble

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I called it... chop job on em. They gave it the little blue logo that's supossed to look like the ONE90 thing if you look carefully. :D

I am with hockeychamp, they look like an old style skate (a Bauer made 'CCM 652'?) made to look like the One90

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LOL...why would a skate made to look like the ONE90 have an older Supreme heel logo on it? Surely it would have the new tendon guard? I am saying 8090 w/ TPR outsole.

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LOL...why would a skate made to look like the ONE90 have an older Supreme heel logo on it?  Surely it would have the new tendon guard?  I am saying 8090 w/ TPR outsole.

'LOL'...same reason Bauer made Naslund's Vapor 10's look sort of like Flexlite's even though they had a Vapor 10 tendon guard...why would they do that? 'Surely' they wouldn't.


Look at Iginla's left boot, it is not Supreme construction. Also, take a closer look, the skates have Nike Bauer branding and the One90 blue badge.

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Did I question you? No. So quit trying to act all hard and try to "outthink" me.

If they were trying to replicate the ONE90 look, the Supreme heel logo would've been removed.

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Guest Muck

The gloves were dropped. Trying to add some light to the situation. Is this rocket science? :rolleyes:

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I have to go with JR on this one. They look like 8090s with new logos (NBH and the One90 blue looking thing at the top).

But he's still got those CCM Prolite holders. Yuck.

But at least this a jump I understand coming from the One90s. One90s to these makes alot more sense then going from One90s to old-ass CCMs.

Go ahead, Pete...lay it on me, I know you want to!

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Its Jarome, he's my guy!! He can wear anything he wants as longs he hauls ass to the net and makes them pay the price along the way!! I think these new dogs are pretty cool with the special effects he has on them. He must be an equipment manager's nightmare, though. I guess he has replaced Messier as Mr Picky about his boots.

I'll take whatever he is throwing out as not good enough!

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