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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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st. louis stick

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any one else notice latley marty st.louis has been using a blacked out stick, in pictures you can see the yellow fading through and looks like easton graphics, maybe one of his old yellow synergy grips?

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I have seen a few highlights and it wouldn't surprise me if he went back to the yellow Synergy Grip given his numbers this year, haven't seen any pictures but that would be my guess if it is painted over like you said.

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Well it took him long enough to switch back. It was painful to watch him fan on all the one-timers early on in the season.

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here's a pic I took of him last night during warmups... check out the stick!!


Also took a pic of the lightning stick rack


pretty sweet sticks, Lecavalier has a new vector that I've never seen(sticks 6 and 7 from the left). Next to those are a couple one90 shafts with wood blades(luke richardson). And Tim Taylor is sporting the new rbk stick(the two red ones just right of st louis' yellow sticks).

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Lecavalier's Vectors are the same color scheme as Thornton's stick I pointed out last week. I was brushed off....looks like I was right ;)

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