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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are Grafs good?

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I heard alot of great things about the Graf skates, but I don't see alot people using them. So, I was wondering if Graf skates are comparible to the performance of the new bauer vapor and the ccm vectors.

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Guest Muck

I've got the 705s, I think they're great. They just don't have the volume for my XL foot so I have to sell them. I love the Graf skate so much that I'm going with the 709 (more volume) to stay with the brand. For me, I think a Graf skate takes to the foot very well from the first time you put them on.

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I have a pair of G35's, but they're currently my back-ups. I didn't like the liners since mine soak up moisture like a sponge.

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As Darkstar50 said; If the skate fits, wear it. Its all about fit, fit, and fit. I have 705's and love them. Cant wait for the G5 Ultras. Any pictures yet?

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I've got the 705s, I think they're great. They just don't have the volume for my XL foot so I have to sell them. I love the Graf skate so much that I'm going with the 709 (more volume) to stay with the brand. For me, I think a Graf skate takes to the foot very well from the first time you put them on.

Just order a custom 705 with extra depth, I did that with my favorite skate. It may cost a little more but having something just the way you want it is usually worth the price.

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the reason that you dont see as many people using graf as suppose to ccm or bauer is because graf is still a small company, not many pairs of graf skates are made. if you can i would definately try a couple of pairs on at your lhs

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Grafs are as good as anything else imo. Their quality control has taken a hit in recent years though.

The guy who runs my LHS seems to believe that the Canadian-made Grafs are far inferior to the Swiss-made ones.

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:( I tried 3 pairs-none of them fit the way my old Supremes fit-I finally found a pair of 7000 Pro Stock's and I'm a happy dog in the sunshine now!

The Graf;s do seem to be a quality skate-they just werent right for me..

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I've got some Graf 705s with T'blades and love them, best skates I've owned yet. Comfortable and pretty light, but I'd suggest TUUKs of your preference or T'Blades, the NT-3000 holders/steel imo are crap...

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I have G5's, coming from 3000's. Love the skates, buuuuuut the steel blows. My right blade just broke in the morning skate before our finals tonight. So I'm now stuck using someones Vapor 10's...... and goin from 3/4 inch of steel to next to nothing.

Perf. Cobra steel sucks.

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just curious, do you who are complaining about cobra steel like LS steel? Because that stuff breaks more often then synergy sl. I don't use bauer or tuuk, but players on my team do, and they are all breaking very consistantly, its unreal how brittle they are

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