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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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velcro tabs vs. traditional garters

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I've always used velco jock/garter combos, always have held my socks just fine and i've used some of them for years at a time and still going strong after 3-4 times a week, the rest usually wears out before for me so far or i grow out of them...

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I replace the whole combo. Usually 12-18 months is enough to have them all worn out and bet to hell.

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How well do velcro tabs hold onto socks? I've heard that they lose their grippiness after a while.

I'v had a jock with the velcro tabs for about 18 months and I haven't had any problems with getting the socks to stick.

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Idk if it's the velcro that loses grip as much as your socks getting fuzzed up from being velcroed. I have nvr seen any problems though, and figure you probably go thru a pair of socks pretty often so shouldn't be a prob. I personally don't use the velcro though.

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I've been using a Jock + compression short with velcro for 2 years. The product shows no signs of wearing out. The velcro tabs still work perfectly. I always thought the stretch elastic on garter belts eventually gave out.

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I fought the concept of Velcro and cup shorts for years, because I figured there was no way the socks would stay up.

I shoulda switched a lot earlier.... :D

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I fought the concept of Velcro and cup shorts for years, because I figured there was no way the socks would stay up.

I shoulda switched a lot earlier.... :D

Same here! Old dog, new tricks........ Jason, it usually takes a free sample from the sales rep to convince a buyer sometimes!

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I have had the yellow itech jock w/ velcro for 2 years and it still works perfect.. I also use a regular jock because thats what I grew up with.. I say the velcro is more convenient and neither one really works better than the other in my opinion.

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I fought the concept of Velcro and cup shorts for years, because I figured there was no way the socks would stay up.

I shoulda switched a lot earlier....  :D

Same here! Old dog, new tricks........ Jason, it usually takes a free sample from the sales rep to convince a buyer sometimes!

Agreed. Never would've tried the Flyweight shaft if it weren't for that.

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Jason, it usually takes a free sample from the sales rep to convince a buyer sometimes!

Was that a hint, Peter? Wink, wink, eh?? :P

nah, the jock + rep gave me the short and I threw out the old garter belt in no time. Itech lost so much biz in the category, they went and bought Jock + because they were getting hammered across the country. They asked me to kill Shock Doctor, too, but they sell just as well for a few $ more. Cut throat business.

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Old dog here. Traditonal jock and garter. After all, why would any man want to pass up the chance to wear a garter belt? :P

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Anybody have any recommendations for a cheap garter with velcros?

Dig deep in the barrel in the locker room, find old smelly garter. It will cost you 4 cents to use pennies to replace the missing tabs which is why it was in the garbage can. Sorry, no velcros. :lol:

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