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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Russian Freakboy on his Nike Skates!

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OK, this is a little bit off topic, but I only once saw this commercial while watching an east coast NHL game through the Hockey package, so I'm not even sure what station was actually televising it, but anyway...

I'm pretty sure it was a Powerade commercial where these 4 women come out in a line and walk up to a boxing rink, get in, then they all 4 stand up on their hands, then picture widens and you see they are beside treadmills. Each of them hop onto running treadmills and start running on their hands. One by one, they fall out and get shot from the treadmill into the ropes hard.... it was so hilarious... I've told so many people about it, but have never seen the commercial again and haven't been able to locate it online.

Thought it was worth a chance...

1st post for me, but just wanted to say thanks to all for all the great info on MSH!! I'm a newbie and this site has helped out a ton... I've passed it on to all my hockey friends.


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Great ads.  In Nike's unemployed goalie series wasn't there one where they guy was panhandling as well?  Either that, or to support the advertisements in Toronto I think they actually had actors wearing goalie gear on the streets and in subway stations panhandling!  Brilliant!

The first was actually a goalie who robbed a bank.

"Who robs a bank with a skate?"

I have that one on a video tape of the olympics. Classic :-)

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Those are great!

Does anyone know of a link for the Nike ad where Fedorov gets hit by the Zamboni?

That was my all time fave....

That was the first one...blew by Leetch then everyone else...

Best ones were the old ESPN ones...the Shanahan one was great, they curve a blade and shoot a puck, it goes around the arena and boomerangs..."Too much curve."

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Those are great!

Does anyone know of a link for the Nike ad where Fedorov gets hit by the Zamboni?

That was my all time fave....

That was the first one...blew by Leetch then everyone else...

Best ones were the old ESPN ones...the Shanahan one was great, they curve a blade and shoot a puck, it goes around the arena and boomerangs..."Too much curve."

I liked the Cheli spot. They offered to do an interview wherever he felt "comfortable", cut to the penalty box door slamming and Cheli says, "ok, you have two minutes."

Or the Peter Gunn theme with body outlines taped on the ice. Last one was a ref, half on the ice and half on the boards.

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I like the Nike inline one, where the kid is rollerblading around being a jerk (I think he was at least) and Sundin comes out of nowhere and hammers him into the window of a store.

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i uploaded the 2nd part of the Breakaway commercial

does anyone have the 3rd part, where the security guys upstairs are looking at a replay of a dangle naslund does and they're like, 'thats a sick move' and rewind it to keep watching it?

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Freaky as hell, I almost did this same thing last night.

if you look closely at :45 mark where nazzy and kovy are coming back on the ice, you can see that kovalchuk is wearing vapor xx's with a nike logo where the XX should be and also Naslund is either using an Apollo II or a shaft and blade

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i uploaded the 2nd part of the Breakaway commercial

does anyone have the 3rd part, where the security guys upstairs are looking at a replay of a dangle naslund does and they're like, 'thats a sick move' and rewind it to keep watching it?

I believe it's "Now that's a nice dangle"

It's so funny cuz they do it in like a street "from the hood" voice.

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What about the ones where Iginla was running around downtown somewhere with nike warmups on and he's dodging pucks left and right and they're destroying everything. At the end he finds.... Naslund? i think on top of a building with a stick and a bucket of pucks. And then they trade positions.

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Is the one where Fedorov gets hit by the Zamboni the same one where he dangles through the whole team with hilarious moves then shoots it off the crossbar back to himself or something like that?

That was my all time favourite, I bought the old Nike white (what were those called?) inline skates when they came out largely as a result of that commercial.

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What about the ones where Iginla was running around downtown somewhere with nike warmups on and he's dodging pucks left and right and they're destroying everything. At the end he finds.... Naslund? i think on top of a building with a stick and a bucket of pucks. And then they trade positions.

That was for the Nike Shox :45, right?

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I like the Nike inline one, where the kid is rollerblading around being a jerk (I think he was at least) and Sundin comes out of nowhere and hammers him into the window of a store.

yes! that commercial was soo gold. I love the tune in the background as sundin flattens the guy into the glass: "One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch girl...oh! give it one more try before you give up on love..." way too funny. They make a lot of garbage product, but Nike can sure do a good job when it comes to marketing.

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You know what's funny? We're talking about the best hockey commercials of all time and not once has the NHL's post-lockout ads come up. Those are so brutal. In fact, those bother me so much I've sent three emails to the NHL. Pretty much when a new chapter of the saga comes out that triggers enough rage for me to send Betty another note.

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I've never seen that. Are you talking about the St Louis commercials when he's like "so they want more scoring in the NHL eh?" I think that's a Bauer commercial.

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I'm talking about he My NHL Gladiator series. The first one was the hot woman dressing the player in a candle lit room. The next one showed them playing. One team wore red NHL crested jerseys while the other wore black. The next one showed the red team scoring a buzzer beater against a goalie (who was animated by the way).

They use to be on the NHL site, but they were so lame I don't see them anymore.

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Anyone see this Caps commercial with Kolzig on a dinner with his wife for their anniversary and he picks up the wine bottle and pours wine all over his face? That one's pretty good.

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Anyone see this Caps commercial with Kolzig on a dinner with his wife for their anniversary and he picks up the wine bottle and pours wine all over his face? That one's pretty good.

yeah I'm not a caps fan but that was my favorite hockey commecial for a while.

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