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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Most Desired Pro Stock skates?

which skates would you want?  

142 members have voted

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ok like the stick post. the skates would be the size you need etc. but the prices would reflect the demand. i.e. i know everyone would want the one90's if they were the same price as the vapor xx's. so the one90's, pumps, vector 10's would be more exepensive.

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I voted for the Reebok 8K's and the poll thing marked it down as the Bauer One 90. What a ripoff! :(

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I liked the vapour 10 aswell they were a very nice skate too bad they dont make them no more could prolly find them at a used store but nthing new ;)

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well, i really love my vapor 10´s, although i hated them when they came out with that grey tuuk holders. mine are pro stock, made for a friend of mine, fortunately they fit me perfect!

actually my dreamskate would be a custom made old school bauer supreme 2000!

i saw one at ebay...

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honest to god i dont know why the hype is all around the new one90's, nobody ever used them but a few ppl, on this site and everyones druling over them, ill admitt they look nice and all but i cant skate at all in bauer skates even after i mold them to my feet, once everyone tried them i bet there ideas might or will change, but im not saying there gonna like them even more then before.

but my vote synergy 1300's, i love my skates and would do anything for a custom pair

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Why do people like the vapour 10's ???

They were a very good boot and had some of the best steel ever offered on a skate.

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Why do people like the vapour 10's ???

well, like i said before, i didn´t liked the design at all when they came out- but they fit perfectly! they are absolutely durable and they are still very stiff.

i would not have buyed them because of the design, but the performance was (is) unbeaten! so for me this was my mental turning point for buying gear, the look was always very important for me, but performance of the vapor 10 was to good...

and now after a few years i even like the look of this skate, cause now it´s kind a oldschool... :P

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