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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Free Energy Drink

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I ordered myself a sample like 3 days ago. It arrived today, haven't tried it yet...but saved myself like $2 instead having to go to the gas station to get something to wake me up in the morning. For the blank that says something about a magazine..I just wrote "actually a friend told me". It worked.

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Nothing wrong with this but you should always be careful giving away too much personal info online.

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Had three rockstars after a gig in San Diego on my way to a 24hr Mt. bike race. Kept me up but I think I have permanent enamal damage on my teeth! Do all these drinks tear up your teeth?

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in terms of energy, I think nothing beats red bull but since I get a deal on beaver buzz at work i just get the buzz. More caffine than Red bull but it's a little more carbonated so you don't get as much energy as you would from a red bull

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Guest Muck

Try the Monster (blue, not sure what kind, just know it's blue :) )? 10 calories/serving. I think it tastes good.

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Always go for sugar free energy drinks. The sugar in them kills your teeth otherwise.

Bookoo sugar free is amazing, it's 3x the size the normal energy drink, and about 50c cheaper than red bull.

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in terms of energy, I think nothing beats red bull but since I get a deal on beaver buzz at work i just get the buzz. More caffine than Red bull but it's a little more carbonated so you don't get as much energy as you would from a red bull

that thing taste sooo bad

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This one was...ehh semi-ok. I thought Red Bull was worse...Red Bulls reminds me of those Dr Dreaful Food Labs way back in elementary school. I felt pretty good after drinking it...Red Bull just makes me wayyyy too hyper. My hands start shaking after Red Bull too.

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Tried that stuff last night. Did not taste good, but I've had worse. I did notice a boost in energy, but it was also our championship game, so I may have just been jazzed up about that. I did have 3 helpers, and 3 goals, so I may have to try to land another sample. :)

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