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Easton Warranty Problems

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My friend sent back an SL a while back and got no warranty replacement in return. Instead, he got a letter on Easton's letterhead that said his damage was not because of a manufacturer defect.

He broke it after about a week by shooting a one-timer with it. The stick broke the shaft near the bottom. I saw it just snap away so fast after he got it.

Does anybody know what Easton means by this not a manufacturer's error thing? He keeps trying to call but only gets the run around.

I thought if the blade breaks, then Easton may not replace it, but the shaft they should for sure. Then somebody at the local shop said that it doesn't matter what part of the stick breaks, as long as it breaks within 30 days. Is that true?

Is anybody sure of Easton's warranty replacement policy on OPS? Where it has to break and how or anything like that for them to replace it?

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Maybe Easton is finally sticking to what the warranties are supposed to be: ONLY manufacturer's defects. The abuse and fraud that customers try to feed to the Easton warranty department is unbelieveable.

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That's something I always wondered about.. What if some 6'2", 250 lb. guy breaks an intermediate flex stick after a week? I'd chalk something like that up to user error rather than a factory defect.

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Just because the shaft broke doesn't mean it was a manufacturer defect. I have seen countless people snap blades at the hosel or break a shaft towards the bottom because they didn't know how to take a slap shot and jamed the thing into the ice. not saying that is the case here, but it happens.

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I always thought that if the stick broke at the shaft that quickly that it would be considered a manufacturer warranty.

What criteria then constitute a manufacturer's defect for warranty replacement?

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I broke my Easton Z-Bubble SR '05 Grip shaft in three weeks. I bought it from an US seller who is an authorized dealer (warranty included).

The shipment was missent by USPS and it took nearly a month for the shaft to arrive here (Finland). I called Easton US support and they said that the warranty is good for one month from the date of purchase. I understand this but still I don't feel satisfied.

I asked my LHS seller when I bought a new composite (Bauer) if it comes with the 30-day warranty, and he said 30 and why not more if you haven't used it 30-days. That impressed me.

What did I learn? To never buy an Easton stick again, crappy durability (&service?) and from now on, support my LHS.

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I personally think there should be no warranties. Doesn't sound like it in your friends case and that sucks. But, many players abuse their sticks then cry defects. I know of so many folks who have scammed manufacturers out of a replacement stick when the stick broke by some other reason, like:

- Slamming it in car trunk

- Slaming it over the net after duffing a shot

- Catching it in Zamboni door

- Someone stepped on it

- Coach flexed a Jr stick

- Missling it into locker room or penatly box in a fit of rage.

- Intentional two hand slash on other stick

- Hooking a 200lb player from behind on a breakaway

- Bad technique and hit the ice instead of the puck

I could list many more. Point is, the warranty thing has got out of hand. Even though easton makes very light and not durable sticks, I commend them for not honoring some warranties. THis one though should have been honored. I'll bet it's a paperwork issue, no receipt, etc.

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I personally think there should be no warranties. Doesn't sound like it in your friends case and that sucks. But, many players abuse their sticks then cry defects. I know of so many folks who have scammed manufacturers out of a replacement stick when the stick broke by some other reason, like:

- Slamming it in car trunk

- Slaming it over the net after duffing a shot

- Catching it in Zamboni door

- Someone stepped on it

- Coach flexed a Jr stick

- Missling it into locker room or penatly box in a fit of rage.

- Intentional two hand slash on other stick

- Hooking a 200lb player from behind on a breakaway

- Bad technique and hit the ice instead of the puck

I could list many more. Point is, the warranty thing has got out of hand. Even though easton makes very light and not durable sticks, I commend them for not honoring some warranties. THis one though should have been honored. I'll bet it's a paperwork issue, no receipt, etc.

Lots of people take advantage of it.. Its almost like people expect 2 sticks when they purchase one.

and people wonder why its almost $200 for an SL.

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At the same time, I think sales would take a big hit if they didn't offer a warranty. I wouldn't have bought my XXX Lite for $200 if I thought that I could take one shot and it might disintegrate in my hands with no compensation. Knowing I had 30 days of use first made me comfortable that I could take a chance on it. All I wanted was the assurance that any defect would obviously show up in regular use during that time.

If Easton doesn't replace 'wear and tear' in the first 30 days I think that should be made clear to people buying the stick though. I'm not saying all dealers would do this, but I'm sure there are plenty that convince someone to buy the stick by saying 'Don't worry, if anything happens in 30 days they'll just replace it!', when they should say 'If there is a defect in the stick they'll replace it - so don't be throwing it around or slamming it on things, they'll know you did it'.

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I think Easton reviews stick returns on a case by case basis. My Stealth was used in tourney play for 5 games. I have never been had on sticks but in the fifth game I took a one timer and the blade snapped with a pretty nice crack. D-man hit the deck and the puck squirted through the 5 hole. Easton replaced the stick no problem.

Had this been my SL I bet Easton would have not replaced it since it looks like it has some decent wear on it.

I bet reciept fraud is the biggest reason for denied warranty.

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I dont have a problem with warranties really since i mostly use prostock sticks. what i do have a problem with is the LHS that dont know what they are doing with handling warrenties. some shops you take the stick in and they replace it on the stop my lhs being one of the places that do so. now with eastons they are giving you a little peice of paper that tell you what to do for a return which is good. but before it was break a stick with in the 30 days just run it back in to the shop.

now one time i broke a tru flex about a week or 2 after i got it, it got stuck in the zamboni door they stil gave me a new one. then i broke the replacement one a week after, this time it was a defect the blade sorta delaminated. they gave me my money back this time. looking back on it i feel bad and feel like i kind of ripped off my lhs, but at the same time the could of known the procidure to take and it could of been prevented. any ways i still thouigth it was very good costomer service and have bought almost everything from them since.

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On my new Synergy II shaft, I think it said something about manufacturer defect and NORMAL wear and tear within the first 30 days. I'll have to double check.

In the original posters case, it could be that the stick took a good slash before the one-timer that finished it off.

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You guys make it sound like warranty replacements drive the price of sticks up 100$ .. Please its a joke spending 200 $ on a stick then breaking it within a month and then the company doesent replace it - eventhough its under warranty. - you think if they didnt provide warranty replacements the price would go down a considerable amount? Hell no. These are business -- they make money and thats all they care about. Probably the only reason they provide warranty replacements - is sales probably rise -- people feel more comfortable buying a high priced stick when they know theres a warranty on it. The company knows this - the warranty is not for your benefit -- its for theres.

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my friend broke an 04' synergy that he got for like 75$ and when he sent it back to easton they sent him a brand new sl !

theres nothing wrong with that, as long as he bought it and it was under warranty. easton sent me a ST grip for an 04 grip, and a synthesis and two comp blades for a 04 silver synergy, i wonder what they send out for an old stealth....

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The warranty for most products is for manufacturing defects. Generally this means you're going to break the stick the first time you use it, or at least pretty quickly. It doesn't mean the stick is going to last through 30 days of slashing, hacking and whatever you want to do to it.

When you factor in the manufacturer and dealer profit margins, replacement sticks can drive up the price pretty quickly if you have significant breakage.

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they gave me my momney back this time. looking back on it i feel bad

Why did they take your mommy?

LOL that is suupost to be Money

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On my new Synergy II shaft, I think it said something about manufacturer defect and NORMAL wear and tear within the first 30 days. I'll have to double check.

In the original posters case, it could be that the stick took a good slash before the one-timer that finished it off.

In my case it wasn't. The stick broke where the siver paint ends on the blade. It really just exploded. There must have been a air bubble or something in the manufacturing process. It sounded like a firecracker when it broke.

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I used to love looking out on the ice and seeing a coach have kids work on one timers. I just knew I wo uld be seeing a lot of those kids in the next week or so. It's probably the best way to break a stick without slashing someone or something.

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I dont understand how ppl these days have such little hockey knowledge when it comes to hockey equipment, everyone gets brain washed, like ill be looking at a stick and overhear someone talking to there mom or dad, and hes like this stick has a 5 day warranty more then the other company and he buys it even if he doesnt like it, also i see alot of ppl break their sticks on the 20th + day to get their warranty, like thats unfair, for everyone that is caught up in a manufacturer defect, theres these people who waste the company's time but bullshiting them a story, that frustrates me alot to see that happen, well thats my opinion

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You guys make it sound like warranty replacements drive the price of sticks up 100$ .. Please its a joke spending 200 $ on a stick then breaking it within a month and then the company doesent replace it - eventhough its under warranty.

Do you buy a brand new $50,000 car and slam it into a wall or another car and expect the manufacturer to replace it?

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for everyone that is caught up in a manufacturer defect, theres these people who waste the company's time but bullshiting them a story, that frustrates me alot to see that happen, well thats my opinion

I don't know about you but Easton didn't ask me anything abou tthe stick or how it broke. They just wanted my name, address, and number and they gave me a RA# and their address

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I broke an Eaton One Gaborik the 2nd time I used it and haven't gotten a response from Easton yet, I emailed them. My question is do they warranty Easton One's because I didn't see the warranty info like on the Synergy's or my Stealth?

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