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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showoffs at the rink

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I hate the guys who flip out when you nudge them. Like when the puck is in the corner, and two guys going for it bump, only for one to flip out because there was "contact." It wasn't an open ice check, or boarding, or anything like that. Then they skate around trying to "check" you because you "checked" them.

Another I hate is when you burn a guy, he turns around and hooks the hell out of you or just trips you. He can't stand he was burned, so he pulls a cheap shot then laughs like it was all a big joke. Ok dude, you got burned, take it like a man and chase me to get it back. Don't be a puss and hook me all the way down the ice.

Last, but not least: The slasher. You get to the corner, knock the guys stick up and away and take the puck, only for him to come down like an axe of god on your stick in an attempt to either break your stick or take the puck by knocking your stick from your hands.

I once experienced a rat hockey game where we had a guy doing all three, who played college hockey. I told him if he hacked once more he was going to get taken out. Sure enough, he hacked a guy hard, and next time he had the puck he went airborne with a solid hit. He flipped out, but I think he got the point. Don't be a douchebag. Or, if you are, don't wear pads so others will feel guilty if they take you out for fear of injury.

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I also hate it when people lead with their elbows. Guys and girls.

If you're going into the corner keep your elbow DOWN.

SOME of us are at elbow level.

THEN when it gets called they freak out.

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i should shoot myself for posting in this thread because really my #1 pet peeve to do with hockey at all is people being cry babys

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biggest pet peeves are benders and bobby big wheels who try and wheel and deal and can be stopped instantly. also ppl who talk themselves up only to be a career ankle skater

and 14 year olds on msh who think in 4 years theyre goin to the show, and buy top of the line equipment, for A

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you guys deke WHL players out of their pants?

Not for split teams. We usually play mens "C" teams. The guys come to do some stick and puck with our team.

Meaning they're there to coach us and give us tips. It's great and they really help. Especially the younger guys and the Euros.

Mainly cuz they're there to impress us.

You'll forgive some of us for mistakenly thinking that "the guys I play with play in the WHL" meant that you actually and exclusively play with these guys, instead of the truth that the WHL guys run a stick and puck with you and are trying to get in your pants, while you actually play Men's C teams.

I guess I can say that the guys I play with were either high NHL draft picks, D1 or ECHL players when what I really mean is that they coach me. Hey - I sound pretty good the first way, don't I ?

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Players who interfere with the goalie.

Goalies who hack players.

NHL wannabes in full gear who start a pickup game at stick-and-puck, when there is a shinny session on the neighbouring rink, intimidating people who are trying to practice their skills.

Seeing myself getting slower as I get older.

Many of the other things that are in other posts.

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Seeing myself getting slower as I get older.

The Truth. Happens to us all. :(

I played some Shinny/Pond hockey last winter, was flat out better than the others and we played twice a week, with various casts, until spring.

I did nothing but dish passes all the time, and none of the others minded me playing with them. Occasionally some "hot-shots" would show up, and act like jerks, and I'd step my game up a little by playing solid D (still only dishing passes on offence).

It was the same scenario every time. Those hot-shots would hog the puck and only play each other letting the rest of their team clean up the trash when they eventually lost the puck...

And they'd get frusturated because they weren't dominating, and start accusing me of takeing it too seriously... (everytime they'd have the puck I'd step my game up a coulpe of notches but otherwise just relaxing and haveing a nice time with everybody else).

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3. Negative/Bad Attitude. Example: One player in my league acts like he's God's own gift to hockey. He can dish it out, but gets the whole sulky tough guy routine going whenever he gets out muscled or out hustled - "You're an idiot! You can't skate!" and throws some cheap shots the rest of the game. God forbid his team doesn't win - at the first sign of falling behind, he stops trying and floats around. I'd hate to have to play catch-up with a loser like that on my team.

Just my $.02

Got a few of them on my team! <_<

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thank you mr phd

PS Grinder, is this the corrcet plural form for ball? "Lick my balls"


Yes, Warrior, that is the correct plural form for ball, but in the imperative form it can also be prefaced with a pronoun and a verb, as in "You should perform auto-erotic fellatio."

Thanks for the laugh. No more nit-picking posts, I promise.

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1 Guys who won't pass or chose who they pass to...

2 Guys who give up on the play and start rolling there eyes and laying there head back because the pass was not perfect when infact, if they where paying attention, they could make the play because the puck is still around...

3 Guys who strech shifts by not back checking...

4 Guys who hook, slash or check guys when we are really out there to have fun but if you touch em after that, they want to fight or something...

Whats funny is that most of the time, these 4 things is the same guy...

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1 Guys who won't pass or chose who they pass to...

2 Guys who give up on the play and start rolling there eyes and laying there head back because the pass was not perfect when infact, if they where paying attention, they could make the play because the puck is still around...

3 Guys who strech shifts by not back checking...

4 Guys who hook, slash or check guys when we are really out there to have fun but if you touch em after that, they want to fight or something...

Whats funny is that most of the time, these 4 things is the same guy...

Yes for me it always seems that way during pick up games, etc. where the rest of us want to have fun.

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I'm a total newbie at ice hockey. I look pretty out of place at sticktime so I just try to do my best and stay out of the scrims with the good people. :D

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As far as pickup hockey pet peeves go...I agree with the water bottle thing...when there is 20 minutes left, and the bottle that I brought is empty because all 6 forwards drinking it....and no one else brought one...

Hate that.

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I don't care when people have nice equipment. It doesn't make that big of a difference. I do hate the guys who try to impress the girls with there moves when they are playing against 12 year olds. Then when they go against someone better they get there butts kicked. I also don't like the little kids who stay out there 10 minutes.

I like going to open hockey and having fun. I skate hard and try to make the extra pass.

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I'm a newbie playing in a beginner league and what sucks for us is guys, and girls, who have been playing for 5, 10, 20 years and are in the upper leagues, but join the beginner league in order to boost their egos by skating circles around others who have only been skating for a few months, some of who can barely stand up on their skates.

Don't get me wrong, it's great to have experienced players out there to help teach and who stay back on the blue line and aren't constantly skating in hard on someone who can barely skate forward... I've learned a ton from those guys. It's the assholes who get their asses kicked in the intermediate leagues, so they need to jack up their low self-esteem by running over some rookies. Completely LAME!!

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I hate people who are making an obvious effort to talk like 'hockey players'. I.e gongshow, gutless, plug, broads. These are usually the same people who play on the 4th line of some jr. B team and think they are some sort of gift to hockey. They usually suck.

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Oh I also hate it when we do a split team (half guys, half girls) and the guy either won't get off the ice or won't pass to any girls because, well, we're girls.

THEN they get even more pissed when three of us go in on a 3 on 3 break out, deke them out of their pants, and score.

I know exactly what you're talking about. My daughter's pretty good and is playing this summer with me on my men's league team. When she beats a guy 1-on-1, man do they get pi$$ed. :D

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My biggest pet peeve is when I see an average rec leaguer slam their stick on the ice when they think they should have scored a goal. Hullo butt-munch this is rec not the Stanley Cup! Oh and do not get me started when this person scores a goal…they go all nutzo and do nothing but talk about it in the locker room as if they are gods gift to hockey.

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My biggest pet peeve is when I see an average rec leaguer slam their stick on the ice when they think they should have scored a goal. Hullo butt-munch this is rec not the Stanley Cup! Oh and do not get me started when this person scores a goal…they go all nutzo and do nothing but talk about it in the locker room as if they are gods gift to hockey.


I think I know who you are talking about.

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--i hate when kids dont bring their own pucks

--little kids play in the goal during times i want to be shooting

-- scrimmages that take the whole ica and get in your way

--shooting someone else's puck over the boards

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I hate when I bring a red weighted puck with me to open hockey to shoot while warming up and people try to steal it off me, and when they just start ripping shots at the poor unsuspecting goalie.

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