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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07 Mission Gear

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Your Bringing back the Wicked lights!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I knew my constant emails would previal

Dave, if this is true, I would kill for a pair you dont understand

(Im sure you do understand though )

Totally understand. I'm sure Mission has some use for some WL consultants. We have owned and used the skates for six years...

They were the best looking and complete tanks mission made. and they were wicked light tanks ;)

Dave I totally agree with your above post. I highly doubt we could get any test stuff, but it sure would be sweet. I still look on ebay for em! Long live the wicked light!

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Your Bringing back the Wicked lights!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I knew my constant emails would previal

Dave, if this is true, I would kill for a pair you dont understand

(Im sure you do understand though )

Totally understand. I'm sure Mission has some use for some WL consultants. We have owned and used the skates for six years...

They were the best looking and complete tanks mission made. and they were wicked light tanks ;)

Dave I totally agree with your above post. I highly doubt we could get any test stuff, but it sure would be sweet. I still look on ebay for em! Long live the wicked light!

Maybe that custom skate idea will show up soon too!

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Sorry for blowing it up already Justin...had to ask...cant wait to see the whole line, if it is anything like the 06 line, then I am sure we will all be delighted.

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Ok...I can't help myself....

Here is your one and only hint for now...


I may be stupid... Well first off I can not wait! Second off what is that an image of? I am guessing the tongue of a skate? Or is it a glove?

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Maybe now i have to send back my 7500's because of the cracked tendon guard.

God, i cant get a season out of mission skates. First D2c split outsole, then He750 broken DNA strands, and now 7500 tenon guard crack. When will it end?

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Dunno, but that WL Tendon guard shoot is one of the best teaser photos I've seen in a long time.

Would love to try them, but it doesn't bother me too much they won't hit the market for another ½ year, or that I can't... We don't get (new) Mission stuff here in scandinavia period, so why bother... :unsure:

Nah, local shop is a THC hotbed, so As long as I have my Red Star Alloy's it's customs for me.

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Send me a PM with a pic of your tendon...I have had zero returns due to a broken tendon guard. My e-mail is justinh@missionhockey.com.

As a side note, are you unlacing you skates all the way when you take them off, or are you just pushing them off with your other foot?

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will there be new everything including pants? i really like the 10,000 pants but the durability isn't so good.

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